Before they left the Littles’ wing, Maddox told his brothers what they were doing. One of the things she loved most about their family was that no one judged each other. None of the other men or women looked down on her during the times she went non-verbal. They just all loved and appreciated each other. It was something she wasn’t quite used to yet.

It only took a minute before they were back in their room, and Maddox went straight to the bed and grabbed her stuffie, handing it to her before pulling a throw blanket off the foot of the bed. He carried her to the oversized rocking chair and sat down, wrapping the blanket around her. A second later, he was holding a pacifier near her mouth. “Take this instead, baby.”

Pulling her thumb out of her mouth, she accepted the pacifier and started sucking on it, her eyes grew heavier until she couldn’t keep them open any longer.


He loved when his babygirl was like this. Cuddly and needy and only wanting him. It maybe wasn’t healthy how much he liked being the center of her world, but she was the center of his, and he didn’t want it any other way.

Occasionally, she went non-verbal when she was feeling like this but that was okay too. He seemed to be able to read her well enough to know what she needed or wanted. They fit together perfectly, and he couldn’t wait to become her husband. As soon as they got home from vacation, they were going to start planning their wedding.

When he felt that she was calm and had napped for a few minutes, he stood and carried her over to the changing table. If they were going to spend the day together in their room, he wanted her to be as comfortable as possible so he pulled off her leggings and unsnapped her onesie. As he changed her diaper, he noticed her bottom was still pink from the earlier spanking, so he rubbed lotion on her tender cheeks before fastening a new diaper on her.

She let him maneuver her around without any fuss, and the entire time, she kept the pacifier lodged in her mouth while she held on to her stuffed unicorn. He decided to leave her leggings off since the room was plenty warm, but he changed her ankle socks for a softer pair that went up to her thighs. They were pastel colors and matched the pastel striped onesie she had on.

Lifting her from the table, he carried her to an area in the room that had some toys stored in a basket and set her down on her feet so he could spread out a blanket for her to sit on.

“Sit and play while I order lunch, okay?”

She looked up at him and nodded before digging through the basket. He called in room service and ordered off the Baby menu for her and a sandwich for himself.

When he finished the call, he went over to where she was sitting and sat down, pulling her between his legs as she played dolls. It was quiet and comfortable, and when she leaned her back against his front, he felt himself instantly melt. Leaning down, he nuzzled her neck. “I love you, sweet girl. Daddy’s got you. Always and forever.”

She responded with a soft sigh.

A few minutes later, someone knocked on the door, and when Maddox answered it, he found Knox and Addie standing on the other side.

“Just letting you know that we have a trail ride scheduled for tomorrow morning with Travis and Wren at ten,” Knox told him.

“Okay. Sounds good. I’m not sure if we’ll be at dinner tonight, but we’ll be there tomorrow for sure.”

Knox glanced past Maddox at Brynn and then met his brother’s gaze and smiled. All of their Littles had times when they needed to just be alone with their Daddies in an even smaller headspace, but Brynn played at the youngest age of all of them so she needed it more often.

“Of course. Spend time with your babygirl. I’m sure today was draining for all of them, and they all need a little extra love tonight,” Knox said as he pulled Addie closer.

Smiling at his brother and sister-in-law, Maddox nodded. “Thanks, bro. Love you two.”

“Love you too, Uncle Maddox,” Addie said in a small voice.

“Love you, Brynn. Have fun with your Daddy and we’ll see you tomorrow,” Knox called out.

Brynn glanced up at Knox and Addie, and Maddox could see a smile form behind the pacifier guard as she waved at them.

Just as they were leaving, room service showed up. After tipping the person, he closed the door and carried their tray to where Brynn was sitting and sat down next to her, setting their food off to the side.

They had included a baby bib with her food order, so he grabbed it and reached out to tie it around her neck. He’d never put a bib on her, so he wasn’t sure if she would try to fight it or not, but she just looked down at it and smiled as she pointed to the animals that were printed on it.

“They’re cute, huh?” he asked.

She nodded and giggled, causing the pacifier to fall from her mouth. He grabbed it before she could and set it on the tray. Her bottom lip popped out as she reached for it but Maddox shook his head and grabbed her wrist. “You can have it back when you’re done eating.”

The salty look she shot him almost made him chuckle, but he ignored it, picked up the plate that had a sandwich cut up into tiny bite-size pieces, and held one of the pieces up to her mouth. She eyed it for a brief second before she took the bite.

Smiling at her, he continued to feed her while taking bites of his own sandwich in between. As soon as she finished her food, she pointed toward her pacifier and made a small whining noise. He picked it up and slid it between her lips. “As soon as I’m done eating, it’s going to be time for a bottle and naptime.”

He got that look from her again, but when he finished his lunch and picked her up to carry her to the rocking chair with the prepared bottle that was delivered with the rest of the food, she didn’t complain. He pulled the pacifier free and replaced it with the bottle full of a vanilla protein shake. Within minutes, her eyes fell closed and her mouth went slack as she drifted to sleep in his arms.

Chapter Nine