She could feel the fabric of her panties rub against her tender bottom with every step she took as her Daddy led her back to the Littles’ wing.

It was embarrassing that she got so turned on from being disciplined, especially since her bottom cheeks felt as though they were on fire from her spanking. Sheesh. She was practically on the edge of orgasming.

When they entered the room they’d all been in earlier, Lucy felt her eyes widen. She’d been so deep in Little space that she hadn’t realized just how much glitter they’d thrown. It was a mess. There was glitter stuck to the ceiling. She had a feeling it was going to take a while to clean everything up.

“I expect you to apologize to Nanny J and Miss Price before you start helping the other girls clean up. I’ll be back in a couple of hours to see how far along you are. I love you and I’m proud of you for accepting your punishment.”

Nodding, she looked up at her Daddy and sighed contentedly. She really had the best Daddy in the world. He was so good to her. “I love you too, Daddy.”

Sadie, Nora, Claire, Brynn, and Ava were already in the room cleaning up. All of them had red eyes and noses from crying. But despite that, they were all smiling and giggling as they cleaned. Even though all of their bottoms were stinging, they were probably in better moods now than they’d been before they got in trouble.

Wolf patted her bottom to get her moving in the direction of the two teachers. She was nervous to apologize to them. Neither of them had been very pleased about the girls’ little prank, and Nanny J scared her. Not that she thought the woman would harm her, but Lucy had a feeling the matronly-looking woman was probably good with implements too.

Both women smiled at her as she approached. Thumbing the hem of her dress between her fingers, she shifted from foot to foot and looked up at the women. “I’m very sorry we made such a mess and wasted all that glitter. We’re not normally so naughty.”

Nanny J smiled, making the corners of her eyes crinkle, and Lucy noticed the woman’s gaze soften even more. “I have no doubt that you’re all very good girls. I think Sadie and Wren are two of naughtiest girls here on the Ranch but they’re still very good girls.”

Miss Price nodded. “Hopefully the fun was worth it. Now, when all of you are done cleaning up, how about you all come to my classroom and we’ll have story time until your Daddies are back. Deal?”

Bobbing her head up and down, Lucy grinned and skipped toward the rest of the Littles cleaning up. She caught a glimpse of Wolf, who smiled and gave her a thumbs-up before he left the room.

Wren, Kylie, Emma, Ellie, and Brynn showed up shortly after, and before she knew it, they were all singing together as they cleaned. It seemed no matter how many times they went over everything, there was still glitter reappearing everywhere.

Finally after what felt like hours and hours, Miss Price came over and told them they’d done a very good job with their cleaning and invited them to her classroom for story time.

The women followed her to another room that looked like a room for preschoolers, and Lucy instantly wanted to explore and play. It was the perfect kind of room for her Little. Before she could venture off, Miss Price pointed toward a fluffy round rug in the middle of the room with a wooden rocking chair in front of it.

“Everyone on your bottoms with your legs crossed in front of you. I want eyes and ears open while I read but mouths closed, okay?”

Lucy glanced at several of the other Littles nervously. Sitting on the ground with their bottoms still stinging would be torture, and the thought of sitting down and really feeling the tenderness of her bottom practically had her panting with need. She didn’t know what she had to do to get her Daddy to agree to play before bed but whatever it was, she would do it because otherwise she would probably combust.

“Sit!” Miss Price said, this time her tone was much snappier.

All of them dropped onto their bottoms, letting out moans and whimpers as they did. At least she wasn’t the only one who was affected by having her bottom spanked.

Yeah, it was going to be a very long day.

Chapter Eight

Maddox and Brynn


As soon as Maddox walked into the classroom, Brynn was on her feet running into his arms. Being away from him, especially after getting in trouble had been difficult. Of course she’d had fun with her friends, but she still needed her Daddy’s reassurance and care.

He grinned as he swooped her up into his arms. “I missed you.”

Looping her arms around his neck, she nuzzled into his chest. “Can we eat lunch in our room, Daddy?”

The hand that had been stroking her back paused. “Of course we can. Is everything all right? Are you okay, baby?”

Nodding, she rubbed the collar of his shirt between her fingers. She really wanted her stuffie to cuddle with. That was back in the room too, so it was another reason she wanted to go back there. “Yeah. I just…”

Maddox carried her out of the room and sat down on one of the benches in the hall, pulling her away from his chest. When she looked up at him, she realized he was concerned. He studied her for several seconds before his gaze softened, and his eyes filled with understanding.

“Okay, babygirl. Let’s go back to our room. I think my girl needs an afternoon of being super Little and loved on, yeah?”

She nodded and snuggled back into his chest as she slid her thumb between her lips. Her Daddy knew her better than anyone, and he seemed to sense when she was feeling a bit more needy. Thankfully, he loved when she was extra needy so it worked out perfectly for both of them.