
Bringing down the brush onto her bottom, he waited until the sting of the first stroke registered before he started spanking hard and fast as she cried out and tried to fight against his hold. He was on number ten when she let out the first sob, and as he continued to spank her, her sobs became louder and louder until he reached number twenty and dropped the brush on the floor.

Leaving her in place over his lap, he let her cry for a few seconds before shifting her so she was in his arms with her heated bottom resting on his thighs.

She clung to his shirt and cried loudly for several minutes until she finally quieted down and her sobs became quiet sniffles. Pulling her away from his chest, he looked down at her and smiled softly. Her eyes and nose were red from all the crying, but she was still the most beautiful woman he’d ever laid eyes on.

“Are you ready to go clean up your mess?”

Nodding, she sniffed again. “Yes, Daddy. I’s sorry I was naughty.”

Leaning forward, he kissed her forehead. “I know you are, baby. And as soon as everything is cleaned up and you’ve apologized to Nanny J and Miss Price, everything will be wiped clean just like it always is. Okay?”


Chapter Seven

Wolf and Lucy


Holdinghis crying girl in his arms, Wolf rocked her and stroked her hair. She’d handled being spanked with his hand well but he had a feeling she had a new enemy, and that enemy was the wide wooden spoon he’d used on her after he’d thoroughly warmed her bottom with his hand.

He rocked her in his arms for nearly half an hour until he almost thought she’d fallen asleep, but then she lifted her head from his chest and sniffled.

“I’m throwing away all the spoons in the house,” she said sadly.

Chuckling, he tapped her nose. “You do that and see what happens.”

Letting out a long and dramatic sigh, she nodded. “I had a feeling you would say that. I don’t like the wooden spoon.”

“Well, then in the future, maybe you won’t be so naughty.”

She shrugged. “I think we both know that’s a promise I can’t keep.”

Pulling her against his chest again, he kissed the top of her head. “I wouldn’t want you to make that promise. I expect you’ll always find a way to get into mischief. It’s one of the many things I love so much about you.”

Her lips pulled back into a smile. “You know what I love most aboutyou?”

Raising his eyebrows, he tilted his head. “That I’m so incredibly handsome and great in bed?”

Lucy broke out into a fit of giggles, something that he would never get tired of hearing for the rest of his life.

“No, not that. Well, actually you are both of those things. But I love that you’re my Daddy.”

He had to swallow several times to get rid of the lump that formed in his throat. He tried to put on a tough and scary persona, and around most people, it was truly what he was, but he was sensitive when it came to his babygirl. “And I love that you’re mine. I’m the luckiest man in the world.”

She reached up and looped her arm around his neck to pull him down for a kiss. Unable to resist, he pressed his lips to hers. What started out as soft and gentle quickly turned heated, and it wasn’t until he realized that Lucy was grinding her ass against his erection that he pulled away.

“Uh uh, naughty girl. You know you don’t get to play right now. Maybe tonight, but you need to go help clean up first before it’s time for lunch, and then it’s going to be naptime.”

Sticking out her bottom lip, she sighed. “I think I dislike the ‘no playing after punishment’ rule even more than I hate the wooden spoon.”

Holding back his laugh, Wolf patted her bottom. “Better get moving before you feel the spoon on your bottom again.”

He’d never seen his Little girl move so damn fast as she got up from his lap.
