Master Derek shook his head while wrapping his hand around Sadie’s arm to halt her from dropping down into one of the leather chairs in the lobby. “Not a good idea. We don’t want unsuspecting guests taking a seat only to stand and learn they have glitter all over them.” He turned and pointed to the bench placed outside his office door. “All of you take a seat while your Daddies and I pick out the best implements.”

Sadie looked at the bench, then at her friends and finally up at her Daddy. “We won’t all fit, Daddy. Maybe I should just go on home and…”

“Maybe you should get your behind on that bench before I decide to take off my belt right here,” Master Derek countered with a tone that left no question to how serious he was.

Sadie scurried to the bench and took a seat, scooting over as Wren and several others quickly followed her example. Though they could have chosen to stand against the wall, it seemed the Littles were all taking Master Derek’s words quite literally, some climbing onto the laps of their friends.

Addie nibbled on her bottom lip as Knox released her hand and pointed to the bench where Kylie was patting her lap in invitation. “Sit. If you move from that seat, your punishment will be even worse.”

Without waiting for her to respond, he walked into the office. Derek was already at the cabinet in the corner of the room and had turned to look at the men with a knowing smile on his lips. “Though having all our Littles sitting outside waiting to see what each of us choose adds an additional level of suspense to their upcoming punishments, I do need to tell you that the armoires in your guest suites hold a wide assortment of implements available for your use as well. Our on-site store also has quite a wide range of both implements and toys if you’d like to expand your inventory. But for now, I’m sure you will all find what you need in here.” With that, he opened the doors to the armoire.

Knox nodded and knew the Master of the Ranch was right, the variety would serve them very well indeed. He waited as Ash and Pop chose their implements. Ash chose a long thin cane, and Pop chose a thin wooden paddle about the size of a ping-pong paddle. Knox and Hawk were next to pick. Hawk grabbed a clear plastic paddle with holes in it that was about the size of a hairbrush. The choices in the cabinet were impressive, but Knox immediately went for the large wooden hairbrush that was similar to the one he had at home for her. His Little wife hated that thing with a passion, and he knew as soon as she saw this one in his hands, she would definitely be feeling sorry before it even touched her butt.

He walked out of the office and held out his hand for Addie who looked at him nervously before lowering her eyes to the hand that held her fate. As soon as she saw the brush, she flinched and sighed a deep sad sigh as she took his hand and followed him to their suite.

As soon as they were inside, he dropped the brush on the bed and turned to her. “Strip.”

Her mouth fell open. It wasn’t very often that he made her strip naked for a discipline session. Mostly because even though they’d been together for over a year now, she was still insecure about showing her beautiful voluptuous body to him. He would never understand why she was insecure about it, but nevertheless, she was. He knew that making her strip naked made the punishment all that more intense for her, and this week was about being completely submerged in her Little space, so that’s what he was going for.

“Now, Addie. If I have to strip you, I’ll add more strokes with the hairbrush.”

She quickly started pulling her dress up over her head, causing glitter to fly everywhere. He had a feeling there would be a trail of glitter leading from the Littles’ wing to Derek’s office and then to all of their suites. The Littles would be cleaning that up as well.

“Are you mad at me?” she asked quietly as she pulled down her panties, letting them drop to the floor.

“I’m not mad at you, baby. But did you think you were going to just get by with a spanking with my hand for that little mess you girls made?”

Biting her bottom lip, she looked up at him with wishful eyes. “Maybe?”

Chuckling, he shook his head. “Nice try. Having a glitter fight was very naughty, Shortcake. Not only did you make a huge mess, but you also wasted a ton of glitter. After you’re thoroughly punished here, you’re going to return to the Littles’ wing and apologize to Nanny J and Miss Price before you and all the others clean up your mess. Are we clear?”

Her bottom lip quivered but she nodded. “Yes, Daddy.”

“Good girl. Spanking time. You’re getting my hand first and then twenty with the hairbrush.”

“I’m sorry, Daddy. I won’t do it ever again, but please, not the hairbrush. It hurts so bad,” she whined.

“Well, you should have thought about that before you girls decided to throw glitter bombs everywhere. I have a feeling I’ll be finding glitter on you for weeks. Bend over my lap, Shortcake.”

Making her get into position herself was another way to heighten her punishment session. Normally, he moved her around and positioned her how he wanted her, but this wasn’t a normal session. This trip to Rawhide Ranch was a place where he could push her a little more because she was so submerged in her smaller headspace.

Addie stood and took a step back, giving him a place to sit on the edge of the bed. Crooking his finger at her, he motioned for her to come to him.

As soon as she was over his lap, he didn’t waste any time getting started with her spanking. He covered every inch of her bottom and thighs until she was squirming and crying out about how sorry she was.

When he knew she was close to tears, he stopped and picked up the hairbrush. She hated that thing, but he also knew it worked well for her, especially when she was at the edge of letting her emotions go but couldn’t quite take the leap.

Lifting a leg, he threw it over both of hers to pin them in place. “Give me your wrist.”

She whimpered but didn’t move.

“Would you like thirty strokes with the brush?”

Her hand flew back so fast he almost chuckled as he grabbed hold of her wrist so she couldn’t reach back and potentially hurt herself by trying to shield her bottom.

“The count is twenty. Do you want to count them out or do you want them fast?”

Letting out a sigh, she sniffed. “Fast, please.”