“Girls! What on earth!” Nanny J snapped in a tone so stern that every single one of them froze as they were and looked at her.

The older woman’s eyes were wide with disbelief, and Addie had to suppress her giggle as Nanny J looked around from Little to Little in stunned silence.

“I’ve called Master Derek,” Miss Price said as she walked up to the group.

Nanny J crossed her arms over her chest and nodded. “Well, I should think so. I have a feeling there will be eleven very sorry Little girls walking about the Ranch this afternoon.”

Addie gulped. Uh-oh. That didn’t sound good. Shoot. And their Daddies had been going to an implement class.

“Maybe this was a bad idea,” Addie murmured.

Kylie giggled and threw a handful of glitter at her just as all eleven of their Daddies stormed through the doors with terrifyingly stern looks on their faces.

“Kylie Marie!” Ash scolded, walking over to her and swatting her bottom several times right in front of everyone.

Nanny J shook her head and motioned toward all the women. “It wasn’t just her. It was all of them. I can’t believe this mess. We’re going to have glitter floating around here for decades.”

It was Addie’s Daddy who stepped forward next. That really couldn’t be good.

“You won’t have to worry about any glitter after today because these girls are going to clean up every speck of it while sporting very hot bottoms. And since we didn’t get to make it to our implement-making class, I’m sure we can ask Master Derek to lend us some.”

Fudgesicles. Ugh. She was really in for it. Big time. Why did she always get sucked into the shenanigans? Because they were fun, that’s why. And because even though she would definitely be a very sorry Little girl if she was getting a spanking with both his hand and an implement, she would also feel loved and cared for because she had a Daddy who cared enough to give her the boundaries she so badly craved.

Looking up at Knox, she found he was staring down at her with a look that made her squirm.

“Sorry, Daddy,” she whispered.

He nodded. “You’re definitely going to be.”

“Sadie, were you the ring leader?” Derek demanded.

She shook her head slowly. “No, Sir.”

“Kylie?” Ash asked in a low voice.

Emma raised her hand. “It was me. It was my idea.”

“Emma!” Beau scolded.

“Sorry, Daddy. It was just so pretty and it seemed like it would be fun,” Emma replied softly, her hands snaking around to cover her bottom.

Beau shook his head. “You’re in big trouble, little girl. Derek, would you mind lending us some implements?”

Derek nodded. “I have a whole cabinet full of them in my office. We can stop there first so you guys can pick what you’d like to use. My Sadie will be answering to her most favorite paddle.”

Sadie groaned, but she didn’t say anything. Addie guessed by the look Master Derek was shooting at his wife she knew it was in her best interest to keep her lips zipped.

Addie had bigger things to worry about. A whole closet of implements? Knox only used implements on her when she was in really big trouble, and those were usually a wooden spoon or the wooden hairbrush, but they were both awful. And now he would be able to choose from all kinds of things. This was really not good. Her bottom was already clenching just from the thought of it.


The glitter mess was beyond a mess. It was like a disco ball had shattered and landed all over the floor as well as covered all the Littles. He wouldn’t be surprised if when he took his Little wife over his knee and spanked her bottom that a puff of glitter didn’t fly up from her. It was cute, though. Adorable. But they’d made a mess and itwasa mess that they had known would get them into big trouble.

That was the name of the game, after all. They tested the boundaries, and the guys enforced them. It was their dynamic and it gave the Littles a safe place to be carefree and naughty when they felt the need. Sometimes breaking the rules or being naughty was accidental, but Knox knew this little event was no accident. The women were all practically begging for their butts to be spanked. Lucky for them, he and his brothers as well as Derek and Travis were happy to make that happen.

Taking Addie by the hand, Knox looked at Nanny J and Miss Price and smiled. “We’ll drop the girls off in a bit so they can get to work cleaning up this mess. I’m sure they’ll be expressing their apologies at that time as well.”

Nanny J nodded grimly as the men led the women out of the room. It was a silent walk back to Derek’s office, and Knox noticed several of the women looking at each other with trepidation. He knew they were wondering if they’d made the right decision to have a glitter fight. It was too late now, though. They’d dug their hole.