Chapter Six

Knox and Addie


It all startedoff so wonderful. There was tissue paper, glue, paint, glitter, ribbon, markers, flowers, and so much more fun stuff to make the parade floats with.

When they’d first gotten into the room where the crafting was taking place, Addie had hesitated. There were so many Littles and two women who definitely didn’t look like Littles. They looked stern. But it only took a few seconds before the women noticed them and came over to introduce themselves as Nanny J and Miss Price. Addie realized that despite their prim-and-proper appearances, they were very kind. Although, she was pretty sure she wouldn’t want to cross either of them.

“Nanny J, can we be in charge of the glitter table?” Wren asked.

The woman looked at all of them through her thick-rimmed glasses and then settled her gaze on Wren. “Okay, but I want no messes. Do you understand?”

All eleven of the women quickly nodded, making Nanny J smile. “Good girls. Go, have fun. Make art!”

The table wasn’t just any glitter table. There was glitter, sequins, beads, and glitter glue. It was impressive. Addie loved glitter. It was like a moth to a flame.

“It’s so pretty,” Nora whispered.

Smiling at the newest member of the family, Addie nodded. She already loved Nora so much and she knew the shy woman had barely even broken the ice with them. Angel had told them it would take time before she felt safe enough to open up more.

“Let’s make tissue-paper flowers and bedazzle them. Then we can attach them to the float,” Sadie suggested.

Agreeing, Addie sat down in one of the chairs and got to work. She wasn’t really sure how many tissue flowers they would need, considering the “float” was a small flatbed trailer that went on the back of a riding lawn mower.

Before long, they were all giggling and chatting happily as they got to know each other. Some Littles left the room to attend their classes for the day while others stayed and worked at other stations.

Emma giggled as she sprinkled glitter over one of the flowers.

“What’s so funny?” Ava asked.

Raising her gaze to the rest of them, Emma grinned. “Anyone wanna be naughty?”

Sadie, Wren, Kylie, and Ava’s eyes widened with excitement.

“What are you suggesting?” Sadie asked.

“Wouldn’t a glitter fight be like the most fun thing ever?” Emma asked.

Nibbling on her bottom lip, Addie couldn’t help the smile that pulled at her lips. It did sound fun. It sounded like a lot of fun.

“I mean, yeah, I’m definitely in for that, but you know my Daddy will find out and tell your Daddies, and then we’ll all be getting our butts roasted,” Sadie replied.

It had been almost a week since Addie had last had her bottom spanked, which was sort of a long time for her. She’d been trying extra hard to behave so Knox wouldn’t ground her from going on the trip. Not that he actually would, but still, she hadn’t wanted to take the chance. But they were there now. He couldn’t ground her from the trip.

Kylie nodded. “I’m in.”

Addie couldn’t help but giggle. Kylie was always in for anything that would get her spanked.

“Me too,” Wren said.

Claire grinned. “Yep. Me too.”

Ellie, Nora, Brynn, and Lucy all nodded at the same time. Letting out a deep breath, Addie made it unanimous by nodding too.

Almost as soon as she started bobbing her head, the first poof of glitter was thrown into the air, causing it to rain purple sparkles all over them. Giggling, Addie grabbed a handful of gold glitter and threw it across the table at Kylie and Ava.

Within seconds, all eleven women were in the middle of making it rain glitter and having the best time.