All Brianna could do was moan out an answer as her bottom half moved along with my hand, a slave to the pleasure building inside. I assumed she liked it rough, so I wrapped my other arm around her upper half, curling my hand around her neck again, and this time, I squeezed the sides of her neck, putting pressure just below her ears. I’d say Brianna definitely enjoyed a little choking with her sex, because her ass began to grind on my cock the moment I started to choke her.

I didn’t have to tell Brianna to come for me; she knew that’s what I wanted, and it didn’t take her long. Less than a minute later, she tried to cry out, though the sound was stifled by the hand on her neck. Her whole body was wracked with trembling, her clit even more swollen, and she panted, still struggling to brace herself against the tree.

Only after I was sure the orgasm had faded, I dipped my hand even lower against her body, pressing her panties against the opening of her pussy. Whatever wetness she had in there, I wanted it, to save some for later.

With her panties damp from my attention, I released my hold on her and tugged those panties down, letting them fall to her ankles, just above her jeans, where they’d gathered around her flats. The dusk sky had given way to night, but I could see more than enough: her beautiful ass, the sexy curve it had, how it practically begged me to free myself and fuck her silly.

I worked on my belt, undoing it quickly, and then my own pants. Within another moment, my cock was out, standing straight and tall, ready to pump inside that wet cunt. I stepped closer to her, spread her cheeks, and lowered myself enough to get a good angle.

And then it was over. I pushed inside of her slowly, filling her up bit by bit until she couldn’t take any more of me, and for a while, I simply stayed where I was, balls-deep in her, reveling in the sheer tightness of her sweet pussy, in how wet she’d gotten for me. If I said she felt fucking spectacular, I’d be lying. She felt so much better than that. She was fucking heaven.

A deep-throated groan left me when I jerked back, taking on a quick, unyielding rhythm. I fucked her hard. I was anything but gentle. If she could stare into the eyes of a man she knew was a killer and say, without outright declaring it, she was drawn to that darkness, this was the type of fucking she wanted.

Brianna didn’t want to make love. She didn’t want soft and kind. She wanted hard and fast and violent. She wanted bruises on her skin afterward, my cock so deep in her cunt that she could feel me in her gut.

So that’s what I gave her.

As much as I sought to drag this moment out, I knew I couldn’t. We’d already been here too long, so we had to be even faster with this. I pumped into her with hard, swift jerks of my body, my cock spearing her from behind as she braced herself on the tree. Her body fit perfectly around mine. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say I wanted to lose it the very first time I filled her up; she felt that good.

Every few seconds, Brianna moaned, and the sounds told me she took just as much pleasure from all this as I did. Her hands gripped the tree as her whole body swayed from the impact of my thrusting. We both breathed hard, our sweat and the smell of sex filling the air around us.

Pressure built within my core, and I knew I couldn’t fight it off much longer. My fingertips dug into her skin harder as I asked, “Are you on anything?” Probably should’ve asked that sooner, not when I was seconds from erupting.

“Yes,” she told me what I wanted to hear, and that meant I could fill up her pussy with my cum and mark her with my seed. Honestly, knowing she’d go home to Gareth while full of my leftover cum made me inwardly smile.

She couldn’t belong to Gareth, because she was mine.

The pressure inside became too much to handle soon after that, and I grunted as my body pushed forward, my cock filling her up as much as she could take. My balls let loose as the pleasure imploded within me. My cock twitched inside her core, shooting out wave after wave of hot cum and marking her inner walls with it. I held onto her, riding the high of the orgasm, and I only let go once I was sure it was done.

I labored to push off her, and I bent to grab my pants and everything else, hurrying to fix myself and redo my belt, all while Brianna herself hardly moved a muscle. When she finally pushed off the tree and straightened herself out, when she bent to grab her panties and pull them up, I said, “Not those.”

Brianna stopped, tossing a glimpse over her shoulder at me as her eyebrows lifted, wordlessly questioning what I was talking about.

I hooked a thumb through my belt as I took a step forward. I extended my other hand toward her. “Those are mine,” I growled out the words, hoping she wouldn’t ask why. I wasn’t sure I’d be able to give her an explanation as to why I wanted them in the first place.

So I could have something of hers to myself when I couldn’t have her? So I could get a smell of her when she wasn’t nearby and I couldn’t taste the real thing? As a twisted trophy of some sort? Take your pick, either or all of them.

Maybe she blushed, maybe she didn’t. It was impossible to tell with the growing darkness over our heads. Regardless, Brianna slipped her legs out of her jeans and took off her panties. She handed them to me, and I took them, bundled them up, and stuffed them into my pocket.

Once she was fully clothed and trying to regain her composure after that hard fucking, I took a step closer to her and whispered, “I hope you’re smart enough to know telling anyone about this would be a mistake.” The way she looked at me then, like she still didn’t know if she could trust me or not, made something in my gut tighten. “It ain’t me, Brianna. I didn’t do anything to your friend.”

I could’ve said a lot more. Hell, I wanted to say so much more, but in the end, I turned away from her and hurried off. I’d spent too much time here with her; I had to get back to the street fair. Brianna and I couldn’t walk back together. It’d make it too obvious, and heaven forbid Alistair see us walking side by side. He’d get ideas—ideas that were pretty close to reality, now that I’d gotten a true taste of the wonders her body held—but I didn’t need him on my case.

No, I could remember what he’d been like after I’d killed my brother just fine, when I’d obsessed over his sister. Back then, I’d managed to hold myself back, to not make a move on the grieving widow out of respect. And the days had turned into weeks, which then turned into months, and before I’d known it, I’d blinked and years had gone by.

And then Gareth, that little psychopath, had killed her.

Didn’t know why. Alistair had made it a point to remind me it wasn’t any of my business, but I’d be damned if I let that kid do it again. I wouldn’t let Gareth hurt Brianna. I’d do whatever I had to in order to keep that girl safe, and that meant I had to keep an eye on her from here on out.

Chapter Eleven – Brianna

Okay, so I didn’t think my talk with Rick would go likethat. I mean, objectively, we didn’t do much talking to begin with. I… I didn’t know what had come over me, what had come over him, but when we’d butted heads…

Shit. I’d just banged the town sheriff, who just happened to be Gareth’s uncle, the man who’d killed his own brother because he’d been in love with his wife. And not only that, but Rick was also a dirty sheriff who was under Alistair’s thumb, on his payroll, whatever you wanted to call it. There were so many reasons why getting tangled with him, why having any sort of feelings for the man was a bad idea.

After Rick had gone—after taking my panties, I might add—I stood there, by myself, in the darkness for what felt like forever. In reality, it was only about five minutes. I gave him a head start while I tried to subdue the racing thoughts in my mind.

I spotted my sketchbook on the ground, and I picked it up, cradling it against my side as I went to check my phone. Neo had asked to hang out again this weekend, and I’d told him I’d be at the street fair Friday night. At the end of the day at school, he’d told me he’d try to come, but he had a paper due Monday that he hadn’t started, so he might not make it out.