I’d left the door open. I’d passed Brianna’s bathroom and seen the light on, which I took to mean she was in there, possibly trying to avoid me yet again. I’d have to make her realize there would be no avoiding me… but first, I wanted to speak to my uncle about her, see how his little talk with her went.

“So?” I asked, running my palms along the armrest of the chair. “How did it go? How was she when you pulled her out of there?” How I wished I could’ve been there to see. Had she been crying? Was she pissed off? All of the above?

Alistair was slow in setting down the iPad, giving me a knowing look. “You’ll find you have quite a mess to clean up.” When I only blinked at him, he added, “She spilled your blood. I don’t know how much of it you’ll be able to salvage.”

She… she spilled my blood, huh? What a bitch. Though, I couldn’t really blame her, seeing as how I’d locked her in there in the first place.

My uncle watched me with disinterest, waiting for me to snap. It took everything in me to remain calm when all I wanted to do was find Brianna and make her regret spilling and wasting all of that blood. I could’ve used it for many paintings, you know.

“I have her clothes and cleaned up the mess she made when I brought her out,” Alistair told me. “She should be re-dying her hair now, since the blood stained quite a bit of it. I believe she finally understands her purpose here.”

I let out a hard breath, a smirk flitting across my features. “And how did you make her see that, Uncle?”

He held my stare a bit too long. His stares were usually accompanied by silence most people would find uncomfortable, but I was like my uncle in many ways. He and I, we had the same darkness, locked away inside our souls. He was just older, and therefore had more years of practice in taming and hiding it.

“I handled it, Gareth, like you should’ve handled it from the beginning,” he said, his expression still one of blankness. “She knows now not to go running to the police, regardless of what you choose to show her.”

I narrowed my eyes at him. He was being intentionally vague, which I found odd. Normally my uncle was all logic and details; it’s what kept him going for so long, what let him be the animal he was. Vagueness was never his strong suit. I couldn’t help but find it fishy.

“Be that as it may,” he went on, “she is still a teenage girl. She’s not used to people like us. She is aware of what fate awaits her if she tries to go against us again, but I would keep an eye on her, if I were you. She is your responsibility, ultimately, not mine. Keep her in line from now on. Oh, and perhaps refrain from showing her any more of your… interests for now, hmm?” His blue gaze once more lowered to his iPad, signaling he was done with this conversation.

I didn’t get up and go right away. I sat there, staring at him, for a while longer, wondering what it was he wasn’t telling me. He and I, we shared everything together. When he’d found me all those years ago, in this very house, covered in my own mother’s blood, his sister’s, it was the first time I’d told him the truth.

My demons. My darkness. That little depraved thing inside my soul, always wanting to be free. With my father already dead, he was the only person I had. My only true family.

Yes, there were those on my father’s side, but I pretended they didn’t exist.

The truth was, no one understood me like my uncle. No one. There was no way Brianna could ever really comprehend me or my dark, twisted desires. She might be a little off, but she wasn’t as batshit crazy as me.

I wanted to ask my uncle what he was hiding, what he wasn’t saying, but if it was something to do with Brianna, I supposed I could ask her, instead. Did he hurt her? Did he go too far? It was time I went to see her myself.

Getting up, I started for the door, but my uncle called out to me, saying, “Mind yourself now, Gareth. Now that we’re home, you two aren’t the only ones in the house anymore. Nicole is keeping her job at the gallery, due to my insistence, but you cannot kill anyone else in this house. Do you understand?”

Always so firm and demanding that I kept my interests away from Montgomery Manor. It was stupid, because if there was any place to kill someone, it was home. But I knew where he was coming from. Then you had to hide their car, their phone, do more damage control. Still, money bought off nearly everyone, so I wouldn’t worry too much about it.

“Yeah, yeah,” I muttered, exiting his study. I headed to the stairs, going to the second floor, where Brianna’s and my rooms were. Right as I reached her bathroom, the doorknob turned on its own, and she strolled out, her hair newly-done and dried.

She nearly walked into me, stopping just short. She blinked, angling those pretty gray eyes up at me as her lips parted. She wore black leggings and a loose shirt that matched the blue streaks in her hair. Blue and pink, freshly done, the colors brighter and clearer than they were before I’d locked her in the room with the body and the blood.

My voice came out low and menacing, “I heard you spilled my blood.”

Brianna let out a sigh, almost sounding relieved, and she stepped around me, heading to her room. I followed her, not keen on being ignored.

I shut her door with my foot, giving her a chilling smile. “Why would you go and waste all that blood, hmm? Now I need to replenish my supply—”

“Bullshit,” she cut in, folding her arms over her chest and puffing herself out. Ten feet of space between us, and I bet that was the only reason she had the guts to stand up to me like that. Then again, she was a feisty one; it’s what I liked most about her. “You have what I assume is an entire refrigerator full of blood. You don’t need to replenish anything, you sick fuck.”

I laughed at her spunk. I couldn’t help it.

It only served to piss her off.“Stop laughing at me. You don’t get to laugh at me like this is funny,” she growled out, dropping her arms to her sides and clenching her fingers into adorable little fists, as if she wanted to hit me. Maybe she did. I’d like to see her try. “You’re a serial killer, Gareth.”

Taking a step toward her, I grinned. “Yeah, I guess I am.”

“You’re a monster.”

I nodded, still grinning, as I took another step forward. “Yeah, a big one.”

“You’re evil,” she spat out, frowning.