Page 13 of Dark Creed

I couldn’t begin to describe how good that made me feel, that she was so comfortable with me, even after all this time, even after what had happened with her dad, that she could be so at ease with me, so much so to fall asleep.

I let my eyes close, and for a while, I imagined how different our lives would be if I would not have left all those years ago. Would her dad still be abusive? Would he have held back because I would’ve been there?

Where would we be if I would’ve stayed?

It was a hard thing for me to imagine, mostly because the life I’d lived these last ten years wasn’t a life any normal person could live. It was dangerous, and though I knew I shouldn’t have her here, she was also safer in this building than she’d be on the street. The Guild paid for constant security here.

A part of me wanted to go on like this forever, just Taylor and me. Both of us, together, like we should’ve been this whole time. I couldn’t fight the way I felt, how angry I was at her dad for doing this to her, for hurting her. She wouldn’t want me to reciprocate his actions onto him… but that’s what I did. It’s what I was known for in the Guild.

Do unto others as you would have done unto you. A creed of many. The way I viewed it was what goes around comes around, and if someone had to be karma, it might as well be me. If I got my hands on Tom Hill, I’d wrap my hands around his throat and see how he liked being choked out. I’d bet he wouldn’t like it too much.

Choking her. I still couldn’t get the mental image out of my head. How dare that motherfucker lay his hands on her like that. How dare he hurt her like that. Oh, the violent retribution I would rain down upon him the next time I saw him…

But first thing was first: I had to take care of Taylor, make sure she was alright. She was my first and biggest priority, as she should’ve been this entire time.

As much as I did not want to move, I also knew it would be better for her to sleep in a real bed, not scrunched up and cradled on my lap. So, I moved my arms, holding onto her as I got up. I had one arm under her back and one under the crook of her legs, and as I moved, she murmured something soft under her breath, something unintelligible, but she didn’t stir beyond that. I carried her to her room and deposited her onto the bed.

I helped her with the covers, tucking her in as best I could. Being so gentle… it wasn’t something I was used to. My job required a firmer hand and an iron will. If other members of the Guild saw me acting like this, they’d surely laugh—or ask if hell had frozen over. As it was, I knew the next time I saw Jeff, he’d have a million more questions for me about Taylor. I better have a good story ready.

Once she was tucked in and fast asleep under the covers, I turned to go—but something stopped me from taking a step away from her.

I looked back at her sleeping figure. With no light on, it was dark in the room, but the moon outside shined enough light through the window to allow me to see the smooth curve of her cheek, the way her lips had parted ever so slightly, how her hair, still a tad damp, had started to dry all messy.

Something inside tugged at me. I didn’t know what it was, but it told me to protect this girl at all costs. No matter what shitstorm came our way, I had to stand by her side and shield her from it. She had no one else.

Even though it was one of the hardest things I’d ever had to do, I pulled myself away from her bed, away from her, and left the room. I quietly closed the door, letting out a sigh once I was safely in the hall.

This was going to be difficult. I already knew it. Taylor was going to fuck up my life, even if she didn’t mean to. I’d gotten used to being a lone wolf, to doing things on my own, never having anyone with me. It would take a long time until I got used to her being here, to having someone else depend on me on a daily basis.

But I’d do it. I’d gladly do it, because it was her. There wasn’t a single person in the world other than Taylor that I’d be willing to do that for.

I knew I should go to my room, but a part of me didn’t want to leave Taylor. Hell, I wanted to sleep in that room with her, make sure she didn’t have any nightmares of that asshole dad of hers. I wanted to be at her side when she woke up, tell her that it was a new day, and anything was possible.

I didn’t go back into her room. I did, however, let myself sink to the floor just outside her door, leaning my back against the wall opposite her door. The back of my head rested on the drywall, and I sat there for a while, just to make sure she was okay. I guess a part of me was worried she’d change her mind about wanting my help and try to run away, and that was something I wouldn’t let happen.

Taylor wasn’t going anywhere. I wouldn’t let her.

Chapter Five – Taylor

Morning came too soon. I must’ve slept like a rock, because I didn’t remember going to bed and crawling under the covers. The last thing I remembered was sitting with Creed—or, on him, I guess—and then… then nothing. I must’ve fallen asleep there, and he must’ve carried me to bed without waking me.

I let out a long breath that turned into a yawn as I rolled onto my side, hugging the pillow my head was on. The room had mechanical curtains at the top of the windows in the room, but they were up, allowing the morning sun to shine brightly through the windowpanes.

I didn’t know what time it was; my phone was probably dead. I’d need to get a new charger today, along with everything else. Still, even though the sun was up, I didn’t want to get up just yet. The bed was too comfortable, so I let my eyelids fall again and dozed off a bit.

The nice thing about it all was I didn’t dream. I felt so at ease here, knowing this was Creed’s place, that I didn’t dream of what happened. No Dad haunting my dreams, no angry, drunk voices in my head, telling me that I’d fucked up and was a disappointment. It was nice.

Eventually I forced myself to roll out of bed. I yawned, my feet shuffling me toward the door. I didn’t know how late Creed slept in, if at all, and I didn’t know if he had work today or not. We’d obviously shop around his schedule; I had already decided I was going to skip some classes this week, if only to give the bruising around my neck some time to heal.

My hand curled around the doorknob, and I was slow in opening it. The last thing I expected to see was Creed asleep on the floor, but that’s exactly what I saw.

The sight of his figure slumped over nearly made me jump, like he was some giant spider or mouse or something, but when I realized it was him, when I realized he must’ve fallen asleep out there because he’d put himself on watch for me, I couldn’t fight the smile that formed on my face.

I gently closed the bedroom door and wandered to the bathroom, unable to wipe that stupid smile off my face.

It was weird, but it was sweet. His bones would probably ache today. I didn’t know whether I should address it or not when he was awake. I mean, I didn’t need him outside of my door. I didn’t need a guard or anything. I was fine. I really was fine. Maybe a little shaken up still, but fine.

I hopped in the shower again to wake myself up completely—and to try to get my hair a little under control. It was wild, having mostly dried last night when I was sitting with Creed, kinks and all. Man, what I wouldn’t give for a straightener.