Page 27 of Dark Creed

We finished eating, and all the while Beth would not stop talking about guys and their dicks. Turned out, she’d hooked up a lot more than I’d given her credit for, and I think she took it as a challenge to find me someone tonight.

I wasn’t saying I wanted to hook up with some random guy tonight, but… well, I guess it would be nice to have something more recent—and hopefully better—to drown out how shitty it’d been at prom. Like Beth had said: two pumps and done.

Once we were finished, we cleaned up and headed back to her room, where we started digging through her closet. Her roommate was still nowhere to be found, which let Beth toss her clothes all over the place, including on her roommate’s bed.

“I think I’m going with leggings and this shirt,” Beth said, turning around from her closet, holding up a low-cut, silvery top. She held it over her torso, as if imagining it on her. She then tossed it to me.

I was sitting on her bed, watching her destroy her closet in search of things I could wear. I caught the shirt and put it aside.

“What are you thinking?” Beth asked. “Obviously, you can’t wear that.”

The way she said it made me look down at the outfit I wore. Jeans and a light sweater. Okay, so, yes, it might readlibrariana little bit, but was there anything wrong with that? I’d stopped wearing things covering up my neck just a day or so ago; some of the deeper bruises were still there on my neck, but they’d gotten easier to cover with makeup.

Or I’d just gotten better at using the makeup.

“No, no,” she went on, kneeling and digging through the floor of her closet. “We’re going to dress you up like tonight is your slut era. Ah-ha! These. You’re definitely going to wear these.” She stood and turned around, holding out a pair of high-heeled black pumps. Basic in design, but beautiful, and certainly higher than anything I’d ever walked in before.

“I don’t know if I can walk in those.”

“Take off your shoes and practice, then,” she instructed, tossing them at me. She stared at me, waiting, watching, and she didn’t return her nose to her closet until she’d watched me take off my ankle boots and slide the heels on.

As she continued to dig in her clothes, I got off her bed and took a few steps. I wobbled a bit, but after a few more steps, I was more stable on my feet. I wouldn’t go so far as to say I got the hang of it, but I wasn’t going to fall and stumble. At least there was that.

Still, wearing these tonight would probably kill my feet. I didn’t know if I wanted to do that.

“Ooh, yes,” Beth whispered, pulling something out from the back corner of her closet. It was on a hanger, so it wasn’t all bunched up like a lot of her clothes were. She spun around to face me, holding it out so I could see, and I stopped walking in the heels to stare at it.

A dress. A short black dress. Two straps near the shoulders, the fabric some kind of shiny, silk-looking thing… basic but made to turn heads all the same. Timeless, something that would always be in style.

“You’re wearing this,” Beth said. “It’s settled.”

“Whoa,” I spoke with a single shake of my head. “I never agreed to wear a dress and heels to this thing. Don’t you think it’s a bit much?” I didn’t want to be the only person there wearing a dress. And donning both the dress and the heels… seemed like overkill, didn’t it?

“Come on,” she said, pushing the dress towards me. “You’ll look killer. You’ll turn heads. Tons of guys will want you, I’m telling you. Once we do your hair and your makeup, you’ll be gorgeous, Taylor.”

I was slow to take the dress from her, studying it without saying another word. It did look pretty, I had to admit, and I’d bet it’d look even better on than it was on the hanger. The last time I’d gone out of the house wearing a dress was prom, and we all knew how that turned out.

But tonight was another night. Tonight could be different. I’d spent so long trying to be what my dad wanted me to be, trying to be the good daughter, the one who always kept her head down and never took risks. Maybe it was time to break the mold, so to speak. Maybe it was time for Taylor Hill to move outside of her comfort zone.

“Fine,” I relented. “But I’m still not sold on the heels. I don’t know if my feet can handle heels all night.”

“Oh, we won’t be out all night… not unless you want to be. Who knows? Maybe you’ll meet someone and decide you want to go home with him.” The way she spoke it, as if it was nothing, made me bite my lower lip.

I didn’t know if that would happen, but I guess you should never say never.

As it turned out, the process of doing hair and makeup for a Friday night when your plan was to go out and have a good time took a lot longer than you’d think it would. It didn’t help that Beth wasn’t an expert on hair or makeup, so there were plenty of mistakes made, where she had to redo hair strands or completely wipe the eye makeup off and start new.

She opted to curl her black hair, while I simply straightened mine. I did let her do my makeup after she finished hers—thankfully she didn’t make too many mistakes on my face.

By the time we were done, we looked like completely different people. Beth had changed into a pair of sparkly silver heels to match her shirt, and her leggings were tight on her legs and her backside, showing off the curve of her ass.

And me? I wouldn’t say I looked like I was ready for my slut era, as she’d put it earlier, but wearing that tight, short black dress did make me look like someone else. Someone older, more sophisticated. She’d given me fishnets to wear under them, but I didn’t want anything under the dress. Well, besides my panties, I mean.

And, I regret to inform you, I wore the heels. They did complete the outfit, I had to say. Plus, they made me a little taller, and my short frame could use all the help it could get.

With my hair straight and my face caked with contours and eyeshadow, I looked like someone else. Not Taylor Hill, but someone who was more confident, someone who didn’t take no for an answer. Not the meek little girl I’d been these last ten years, ducking my head and trying to keep to myself.

I looked hot. Sexy, even.