Page 47 of Tangled Ambition


I couldn’t say. Why?

Just thinking that it hasn’t been any easier for me, even when I make sure to keep my friends together. Fill up my time.


I’m sure it’s like the truth. It lies somewhere in between.

You’re probably right.

Her next message was a screenshot of my text to her.You’re probably right.With the time stamp.



I laughed and placed my phone down to find Ethan, Hank, Nadir, and Seth all staring at me.


“Who have you been texting this whole time?” Hank asked.

Nadir tsked. “We should implement a no phones at the table policy.”

Seth tapped his cards on the table. “Is it a chick?”

I didn’t answer, and Hank slapped my back. “Of course it is.”

I shook my head at Ethan’s steady gaze on me. “Don’t you start.”

“I didn’t say anything.”

“Yeah, but you’re taking mental notes so you can run home and tell Laney everything.”

“You’re so pussy-whipped,” Seth said with a chuckle, and Ethan’s jaw popped.


“So…” Seth looked around at the rest of us. “Who wants to be wrapped around their girl’s finger like that?”

Nadir, who was married with three kids, Hank, and Ethan all raised their hands. I laughed into my beer, and Seth sucked in air through his teeth.

“You guys are pathetic. Never find me simping for a chick.”

Ethan glared at him. “If you were blessed to be with anyone half as good and perfect as Laney, you’d be on your kneessimpingany chance you got.”

While I generally wasn’t a fan of hearing all the ins and outs of Laney and Ethan’s relationship, I had to give it up to him. He’d promised he’d take good care of her, and he was.

Seth grumbled something incomprehensible and slumped back in his chair.

“So, Dean, baby,” Hank started, a pretzel stick hanging out of his mouth like a cigarette, “who’re you talking to now?”

“Somebody from work,” I said, and Seth’s mouth dropped while Ethan set his cards down on the table.

“Taylor?” he asked, a little too interested.

“We’re friends,” I replied immediately, which clearly was too defensive because Seth smacked his hand to his head.