Page 16 of Tangled Ambition

“How were your holidays?” Dominic asked, leaning back in his chair, his suit coat draped over the back. He was a tall Black man with his hair cut short, a shadow of gray at his temples, his hands relaxed across his stomach.

Taylor and I answered at the same time.


“Got a lot of work done.”

My jaw tightened, and I stuffed my fists in my pockets. She always had to go one step further, impressing exactly no one in confessing she worked all the time because she had no social life.

“I hope you both got to spend time with your families,” Dominic said, reaching out to his framed family photo.

“I did,” I said with a smile. “How’s Britney doing?”

“She’s doing well. Thanks for asking.”

I didn’t ask after his pregnant daughter for brownie points. I was actually asking because I knew how excited Dominic was about his first grandchild. Yet the way Taylor’s shoulders went rigid did add a sprinkle of pleasure to the situation. I bit back a laugh in her direction since I could almost see the thought bubble, wishing she’d taken a personal interest in our boss’s family.

But the Ice Queen didn’t have a personal interest in anyone. I doubted she had a heart beneath all the black clothes.

“When is she due again?” I asked.

“May,” Dominic answered then slid his attention to Taylor. “Thank you so much for the gifts, by the way. You didn’t have to.”

My smile dropped as I turned to her. “Gifts?”

The quirk of her mouth was positively venomous. Like I was a trapped mouse. “A little something for the grandparents-to-be.”

Dominic found his phone and held it out so I could view the photo of him and his wife, Tamara, wearing matching shirts that readPromoted to GrandmaandPromoted to Grandpa, as well as coffee mugs that I couldn’t quite read but were painted with some similar sentiment.

“How nice,” I said, feeling her silent vindictive cackle next to me.

Dominic grinned and set his phone back down. “So, I assume you two already know what this is about.”

Neither Taylor nor I moved or spoke.

“You two are so incredibly important to our firm. Dean, you’ve been with us almost since the beginning.”

I nodded. Though I had planned to stay in Philadelphia, possibly work at a Big Law firm, my plans changed after Patrick died, and I had tucked my tail between my legs after graduation, returning home. Fortunately, Barbara took care of me, and I was hired at the West Chester office immediately. They’d only opened a few months before, so I had basically been here since the start.

Point for me.

“And Taylor, you’ve exceeded all my expectations. I know your uncle and grandmother said you were a hard worker, but I honestly didn’t think you’d bring in so much business. You are a force to be reckoned with.”

I clenched my jaw as she dipped her head slightly. So magnanimous.

Dominic spread his hands between us. “With Reed leaving, he’ll be wrapping up as much as he can, and whatever cases and clients are still on his plate will be passed to you. I’ve told him to give you a rundown on everything.”

Taylor and I exchanged tense glances.

“You both know Novak & Novak isn’t about competition,” he went on, and I heard Taylor’s barely audible huff. “We’re here to work together, help each other, which is why I need you both to understand that even though titles and distribution of responsibilities are important, they’re not everything. We’re a team here.”

Meaning, we shouldn’t be fighting over who was top dog.

Fat chance of that happening.

Dominic looked from me to her then down at his desk, where he unstuck a yellow Post-it, a name and number scribbled on it. “I came into the office to a message from someone named Ariel Gardener.” He held it out in the space between the three of us. “She works at Sunset Lounge.”

“Sunset Lounge?” Taylor repeated, and Dominic’s complexion turned a shade darker on his cheeks.