Page 58 of Tangled Ambition

When the song ended with only Ethan on the kick drum again, Laney leaped out of her seat, hooting and hollering. I threw in a wolf whistle just because.

Dean shot me a look, and I shrugged.

He was the one who’d invited me.

Once the bar patrons settled, Hank introduced each member of the band then thanked the crowd for coming out. Ethan promptly left his spot and charged at Laney, hoisting her clear off the floor and spinning around.

“I’m gonna marry you so hard,” she said between kisses.

“That’s my girl.” He set her down with a kiss to the top of her head before heading back to the stage to disassemble his drum kit.

“You two are really sweet together,” I told Laney. “I’m happy for you.”

She pressed her hand to her collarbone. “Thank you. It feels…” She closed her eyes and smiled. “It feels like everything is exactly what it’s supposed to be.”

Last week, while we were running at the gym, Dean had relayed to me how Ethan had been one of his best friends since high school and that he’d had feelings for Laney for a long time. “Dean said you two were together when you were kids.”

“That’s a long story,” she said with a laugh. “Maybe I can tell it to you over a bottle of wine.”

“I do love wine.”

“Me too.” She brightened even more, if that was possible. “I used to live in San Francisco. I was so spoiled with all the wineries out there.”

I tucked my fist under my chin. “I bet.”

“What do you like? Red or white?”

“Both, as long as it’s not sweet.”

She nodded, about to open her mouth, when Dean interrupted. “I don’t really like what’s going on here.”

I angled my head back. “We were having a really nice conversation until you got here.”

“My sister and my mortal enemy conspiring against me, I see.”

Laney snorted a laugh. “I was about to invite Taylor to the wedding.”

“What?” my question was echoed by Dean next to me.

Laney grinned at me. “Please come. Dean needs a date, and we’re giving out little bottles of wine as our favors. Special ordered from my favorite winery. Dry red blend, you’ll love it.”

I started to argue, tell her there was no way I could intrude on her wedding, but Laney merely exchanged a look with her brother. I tipped my head back, meeting his gaze.

He shrugged. “You want to come?”



I hadn’t known until that moment that I did indeed want Taylor to be my date to Laney and Ethan’s wedding. Until I saw her sitting there smiling as she chatted with my sister, her dark sweater pulled down over her hands like she was still cold.

She stared up at me now with wide eyes, silently asking for help. But I wasn’t going to get her out of this situation my sister had cornered her into.

Because I wanted her to come with me. I wanted to spend time with her outside of work. I wanted time with her that wasn’t sweating and swearing at the gym or based around a doctor’s visit. I wanted to have fun with her.

More fun than I’d already been having.

“I need someone to drive my car to the reception anyway, so you’d be helping me out.”