Page 53 of Tangled Ambition

My ass is home and comfy in my pajamas.

Some Asshole

take them off!

Some Asshole

I meant take them off and put pants on

Some Asshole

I don’t want to see you without pants on

Some Asshole


Some Asshole

are you still there?

Some Asshole

well I didn’t want to talk to you either

I laughed and tossed my phone to the chair in the corner, so I wouldn’t be tempted to return any more of his drunken texts. I was too close to walking into my room to put on my pants and meet him. So, no, I’d stay right here, in my pajamas with Lindsay Lohan and my glass of red wine.

Much safer that way.



When Monday morning rolled around, Dean and I avoided talking about his drunken text messages to me. I didn’t even mention how he still looked hungover.

Because I was a nice person.

Though, he didn’t have any hesitations about calling me Satan when I made fun of him until he sped up his treadmill to full-out running and then had to hop off because he was heaving like he might puke.

“It’s almost like you’re dehydrated. Wonder why,” I teased.

He only flipped me the bird, and I laughed.

And that was how we spent the rest of the week, in this place somewhere between friends and frenemies, pushing each other at work and afterward at the gym, never once acknowledging the growing ease between us.

I certainly wasn’t going to be the one to blink first.

Though I came close Thursday morning because Dean Hargrove was usingthatvoice. The take-no-prisoners tone which he reserved for the toughest clients and cases. Currently, he was using it against Ron Singer’s lawyer. Ron, the owner of Sunset Lounge, was sleazy, so it was no surprise he had a sleazy lawyer, Larry del Vecchio, who was attempting to push off the state’s investigation, while Ron was threatening the girls who worked at the lounge at the same time.

“Need I remind you,” Dean growled into the phone, “if any one of those women are let go for seeking legal help in improving their working conditions, we’d have a great time putting together a wrongful termination suit on top of the complaint we already have in with the state. You wanna go two for two?”

I curled my lips between my teeth to keep from laughing as Dean nodded at whatever del Vecchio was saying.

“Well, that’s good to hear,” Dean replied eventually. “I’ll be following up to make sure it stays that way. I won’t make this phone call twice. Next time, your client will be served more papers.”

When he hung up, I slow clapped a few times. He swiveled around to face me and scrubbed his hand over his head, the front of his hair sticking up from the movement. “I’d like to nail them both to a cross.”

“We will.” I tipped my head toward the break room, so he’d join me. “Thanks for calling him.”