Page 113 of Tangled Ambition

“I feel safe,” Julissa added.

Ariel smiled, her bright-red hair curling around her shoulders. “It feels like a future.”

“Yeah?” I folded my hands on the table. “What are your plans?”

“I’m going to open up my own club. I’m going to take back control.”

Dean lifted his coffee cup. “Hear, hear.”

We all clinked our mugs together, and while every day with Dean felt like a really good day, this one was averygood day. We worked and lived together, and we had swiftly learned to find a balance of what Taylor Novak and Dean Hargrove were like at work, and what Taylor and Dean were like at home. We made sure to leave our work at the office and kept precious hold of our time away from each other. Because while I loved Dean more than anything in the world, I couldn’t stand to be around him every minute of the day. Same for him. So he kept up his poker nights, gigs with the band, and I discovered a coloring club—it was amazing what you could find on the internet—where we got together every so often to chat and eat snacks while sharing markers and books to relieve stress.

I was visiting my family more often, and Kennedy was back living in West Chester, in my old apartment. Everything was perfect.

Who would’ve thought I’d find my happily ever after with Dean motherfucking Hargrove? Not me.

When we finished breakfast, we hugged the girls goodbye and made our way to the parking lot, where Dean crowded me back against my car.

“Let’s fuck off the rest of the day and go home.”

I huffed. “Maybe you can, but I can’t. I have things to do.”

“No, you don’t. I checked your schedule. You have nothing.”

“I have emails to write.”

He slipped his hand under my coat and leaned in to kiss my throat. “Fuck your emails.”

“And we have the deposition next week.”

He flicked at my earlobe with his tongue. “Forget working ahead and fuck me instead.”

“You have a persuasive argument, but…”

He gripped my waist, his beard scratching along my cheek, and spoke his next words into my mouth. “Tell you what, Novak. If you’re not home in half an hour, when you do get home, I’m going to strip you down, tie you up, and leave you there, naked and aching, for the rest of the night.”

“Don’t threaten me with a good time.”

He coasted his hand down my hip, across my thigh, and between my legs, where he cupped my pussy like he owned it. “That’s not a threat. It’s a promise.” He squeezed me once, a gentle warning, then opened my car door and nudged me inside. “See you soon, Novak.”

I turned the ignition over and rolled down my window to smile sweetly up at him. “Suck my dick, Hargrove.”

He merely tossed his head back and laughed.

God, I loved him, that son of a bitch.

Thank you for reading!

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If you want more Taylor and Dean content, click here for a bonus epilogue delivered straight to your inbox!

And if you aren’t familiar with Laney and Ethan’s story, Tangled Beginning, keep reading for a sneak peek!

Tangled Beginning

