Thelateafternoonsuncasts long golden rays on the carpet as I put the finishing touches on Gia’s pastel-pink tea party sleepover setup. I struggle to hook the last set of twinkling fairy lights through the top of the final teepee. I brace the string between my stump and my hip as I try for the tenth time to slip it through the last fastener with my good hand and mutter to the lights to comply, as if they can hear me. A bead of sweat trickles down between my breasts and my hand aches, but I refuse to let my own decorations defeat me.

“Need some help?”

I startle at the unexpected offer and glance up. Cooper leans against the doorjamb, his thumbs hooked casually in his pockets, watching me closely.

“Uh, no, thanks. I’ve got this.” I turn to hide my shaking hand and silently curse him for not waiting until I sought him out.

“You sure?” Cooper steps into the room, and I shift farther to obstruct his view.

“Really, I’m fine,” I insist through gritted teeth. “It’s a bit tricky, but it’s the last one.”

“Alright.” He steps back as I resume my battle with the twinkle lights. “But I’m happy to help.”

“Thanks,” I mumble, focusing on the last hook. If only it would slip through. I’m tempted to use my teeth for assistance, but I won’t now. Not in front of him.

With one last, desperate attempt, I secure the strand in place and swallow a triumphant smile as I glance up at him. “There. Told you I could do it.”

He crosses his arms, and his biceps strain against the fabric of his shirt. “Didn’t doubt it for a minute.”

I straighten an already perfectly placed furry pink throw pillow and bite back a retort. Instead, I move to his side as we look over the setup, complete with six individual tea-party themed sleepover spots. “I think we’re all set.”

“Looks amazing, Eve.” Cooper shoots me a sidelong smile. “Gia’s going to have the best sleepover ever, thanks to you.”

I could sink into his rich hazel eyes for days. “Tell me about Gia. What is she into—besides tea parties, of course?”

Cooper’s eyes light up. “You name it, Gia loves it. Arts and crafts, soccer, music, reading.”

“Ah, a girl after my heart,” I grin. “I love to read, too.”


I lift a shoulder. “Only child. Had to stay entertained somehow.”

“Interesting.” Cooper’s head falls to the side as if he’s seeing me in a new light. After a long pause, he continues. “Well, Gia’s one of those kids who’s always asking questions and won’t take no for an answer. You can tell she’s going to grow up to be someone who won’t let anything hold her back.”

“First-graders are amazing like that.” I think of some of the first-grade students at Edison. “They’re so full of curiosity and energy.”

“You’re a teacher, right? Penny mentioned she knew you from school.”

“I am. The art teacher.”

“What made you decide to become a teacher?”

I blink, caught off guard by the question, and flash back to that blustery winter day when I was in first grade and Tommy Gallo, a boy with a cruel sneer I’ll never forget, called me names and laughed at my missing hand on the playground.

“Um, well… I love kids,” I say, giving my usual response, which is true, even if I’ve decided never to have any of my own.

Cooper studies me for a moment, his look so intense it’s almost tangible. I squirm as his eyes seem to search for something hidden beneath the surface and tuck the extra string of lights in my hand back in the wagon. But, thankfully, instead of pressing further, he only says, “Me too. My nieces and nephews, especially.”

“How many do you have?” I’m curious, but also desperate to steer the conversation away from myself.


“Nine, huh? I can’t imagine.”

“I’m one of five. You should see our family gatherings. It’s pure chaos, but in the best way possible.”

“I’m sure.” I grab the wagon handle and ignore the knot twisting my stomach. For a fleeting moment, I let myself imagine what it might be like to be a part of that family, too, with kids of my own, but thrust the delusion away as quickly as it appears. My goal is to seduce this man, this playboy, not fall for him.