Page 84 of Charm Me Not

The game had already started. Malia and Ali were in the stands, keeping me updated on everything Charlie related.

How he came out onto the field—with a frown, scanning the stands, looking for me. Or, at least, that was what Malia said. Whether or not he was looking for me was up to interpretation. But Mali said he didn’t stop looking for a solid minute, until Navin knocked into his shoulder and got his attention.

Ali said warm-ups were shaky, the dejected look on Charlie’s face evident to everyone.

Needless to say, none of their messages were making me feel any better at the moment.

I waited in my car, unable to see the game, but I could hear the announcer over the loudspeaker.

The Fairview-Teller Knights were trailing one to nothing. Charlie’s name had been called a few times for missing a pass or letting the other team get the ball from him.

It was the exact opposite of how he played last weekend. The one thing that was different? Me.

Was I willing to put all the blame on me? Sure. Was I so egotistical that Iassumedit was because of me? No.

Malia:It may be time, girl. Charlie’s getting roasted out here. His dad’s throwing hands in the stands, yelling out to the coach. Your dad’s going bonkers. Not sure if he’s going to have any hair left by the end of this game.

Ali:Forget the dads. Charlie looks ready to die of a broken heart.

Me:Ali, when did you become such a softie? A broken heart? Really?

Malia:He’s not wrong, though. I haven’t seen him look this upset during a game in like, ever?

I paused, wondering just how many games Malia had been to. I still hadn’t figured out why she was at the last one by herself. When Mali wanted to hide something, there was no way to get the information out of her.

But, it was time to act. I reached into the back seat and grabbed the shirt Ali and Malia got for me this week. Without them, the first part of the plan wouldn’t have as great of an impact.

Slipping it over my head, I shook out my hair, also completely redone. Malia helped me take the braids out late last night. We were up until two in the morning taking them out, washing my hair, and resetting my curls. Gone was the ocean blue set that went almost down to my waist.

Now, my natural, dark brown curls were let free. For the game today, I slicked them back into two poofs, securing them each with a new black scrunchie. I felt naked without my braids to hide behind, but it was a start of a new me. And a new me called for a new hairstyle.

One more text from the group chat and I was out of the car, making my way to the stadium. Ali and Malia told me their exact location, close enough to the stairs that I could hopefully slip in without too many people noticing.

With my outfit and new hairstyle, I hoped no one would give me a second glance until my plan was put into motion. Too much commotion in the stands could ruin things.

There was twenty minutes left in the second half. The Knights were still trailing one to nothing. Charlie had been almost pulled from the game twice in the last ten minutes, his dad going absolutely insane.

I kept my head ducked until I saw Ali and Malia. They moved over, leaving the edge of the bench open for me. Ali stared at me with a huge grin on his face. Aria sat on his other side, leaning over to give me a small smile and a wave when I approached. Malia sat between Ali and me, her eyes focused on the field like she was really following the game.

“I like your hair. It’s really cute,” Aria said so softly I almost didn’t realize she was talking to me.

“Uh, thanks. It was time for a change, you know?”

“Sure. By the way… I just want you to know I didn’t tell the Fairy Godmother anything. I know you think it was me, but I promise it wasn’t.”

I stared at her a moment, shocked by the admission. And the fact that she knew I suspected her. Ali had to be behind that, and I didn’t blame him.

“Thanks. I appreciate that,” I mumbled.

She nodded and gave me another smile before turning her attention back to the game. Ali slid his hand over and rested it on her knee. She grabbed it and intertwined their fingers.

The whole interaction was seamless and casual, like they knew what to do without thinking about it.

Before I tore my eyes away from them, a thought hit me.Thatwas what I wanted. Casual. Happy. Not having to over think everything in every moment. To be so in tune with someone else that you could just be yourself and not putting on an act all the time.

I swallowed the lump of emotion that had started to build in my throat and turned my attention back to the game.

Charlie’s back was to me, his hands on his hips as he watched the play before him. As soon as the ball started coming his way, he jogged forward, calling for it.