Page 80 of Charm Me Not

There was only one conclusion that came out of the listening session. And that was to tell the truth, no matter how painful it was to admit. Once I got the truth out, everything would go back to normal and I would feel so much better. At least, that was my hope.

“I’m not a good person, Ali. I’m the villain in the story. I sabotaged you and Aria. The only reason I agreed to pretend to date Charlie was so I could end up convincinghimthat love is a colossal waste of time.”

It was the admission I thought would never come out. But my heart needed it to be free so I could move on. Once everyone knew the truth, they could villainize me and let Charlie go.

Icould let Charlie go.

Ali’s mouth twisted into a shocked O, then dropped into a frown. “You led him on just so you could breakhisheart? Una… he really does like you, you know that, right? Remember the flower? The dahlia?”

His words startled me. I didn’t do it to break Charlie’s heart. I didn’t want him to be hurt. He just needed to see what a scam love really was.

There shouldn’t have been any heartbreak involved. That was the opposite of what I was trying to do. I wanted to avoid heartbreak all together. No love, no broken hearts.

“Just talk to him, Una. You owe him that much, at least. I think you really do like him, and that should be explored.”

I looked Ali in the eyes and said the second most painful comment of the night. The one that made the most sense, considering everything. Considering he was one of Dad’s players and it was playoff season. Considering he was a Fairview guy and I was a Teller girl. Considering he wanted his fairy tale happily ever after, and I was the villain who didn’t deserve one.

“I can’t. He’ll lose everything if he’s with me.”

Chapter 30


Me:I knew you were there. I could feel your presence before I even saw you. Thank you. It meant everything.

Me:What are you doing right now?

Me:I saw the post. Your dad knows about the post. My dad knows. Well, everyone knows. Things are going to be complicated right now, but it’ll be okay, I promise. I wouldn’t promise unless I knew for sure.

Me:Una, listen, I know you’re scared. I know this wasn’t part of our plan. But, if you’re willing, I’m willing. My parents did it, and they made it. I know we can too.

Me:I’ll give you some space to think. I can’t imagine what’s going through your head, but please know I’m still here. I’ll be here. Whenever you’re ready. I’m not going anywhere, Una.

My leg bounced,and I couldn’t make it stop. I checked my phone for the hundredth time in the past ten minutes.

Still no answers to my messages from this past weekend.

As soon as I had left Coach’s office after the talk with Dad, I found the message she sent me during the game.

But I had been surrounded by teammates then. I waited until I got home to answer her. But when I did, Mom surprised Dad and me by taking us out to a fancy dinner. I didn’t have time to send Una a message until late Saturday night.

When we normally texted before we went to bed.

But she never answered me. I sent a few more Sunday morning, but still received nothing.

I even went as far as to drive by the house she had me drop her off at a few weeks ago, but no one was there.

The only hope I had was that I could find her at school today. I purposefully got here a little later than normal, not only trying to avoid the whispers in the hall, but also so I could do a lap or two around the parking lot and see if she had already arrived.

That plan failed when her car didn’t show up.

Maybe it was in the shop again. I did nicely ask her to tell me if anything went wrong with it, so she didn’t take it to that scam of a shop with Tony. Did she hate me that much now that she would go back there?

I wanted to say no. But then again, the complete radio silence felt different.

Once I entered school, I knew things were bad. The whispers started right away. And all eyes were on me.

Not a single one of them appeared like they were friendly, and that frightened me.