Page 26 of Charm Me Not

Not that I was looking.

“Why are youalwaysaround?” I asked, trying to step to the side and go around him.

But he shifted, blocking me one more time.

“If you think I’ll ask nicely for you to move, then you’re mistaken. I’m not in the mood,” I said, staring up at him.

Something passed through my chest that I had never felt before. Looking into his bright sapphire eyes made me react in a way I didn’t like. Whatever he was doing to me, I didn’t have the time to deal with. Not when I had to come up with a plan to get my best friend back on my side.

My pissed off side won, though, and I faked a step to the right while really diverting left. Charlie didn’t fall for it though, and stood there like an unmovable wall.

“I swear… Where did you come from and why do you seem to be everywhere lately? You’re like an errant mosquito. Why can’t I get rid of you?” I threw my hands up in the air in resignation, then folded them, mimicking his position.

He grinned, the dimples on his cheeks deepening, his smile lifting his eyes. I understood why people liked him—he had a way about him that put you at ease.

But right now, he was a pest.

“Maybe it’s my charm. I heard its irresistible. Maybe you can’t resist it either?”

If he had winked at the end of that, I would have socked him. “Unlikely. Move,” I demanded.

Before he could think, I launched myself around him and headed to the doors.

“Wait!” he called after me, sounding a little startled and exasperated. “Una, wait. Please.”

Why I stopped, I wasn’t sure. But I turned, watching him take a few steps and plant himself before me once more.

There was something about this boy that made me innately want to trust him, even though it went against everything I believed in.

I didn’t trust people. Especially those I didn’t know. The only people I put full faith in were Ali and Malia, and even then, I sometimes left things out.

“Can I give you a ride home today?” The sincerity in his eyes almost made me say yes instantly.

The other day had been a one-off. I accepted only because I had no other choice and I assumed he would finally back off once he got his way.

I didn’t expect him to be there yet again. Especially after the chaos I caused at his party.

He was going out of his way to be nice to me, and I had no idea why. No one ever went out of their way to be nice to me. Ever. Those that did me favors were the ones who I had worked with before. It was never one sided like it was with Charlie.

It made me suspicious.

“Absolutely…” I dragged out, watching his eyes light up with hope, “not.”

His shoulders sagged. For the briefest moment, I felt a little bad about letting him down. It seemed to be all I was doing lately.

My brows furrowed, and I frowned. Usually I was more on top of things and could see other people’s plans coming. But with Charlie, I didn’t know what to expect.

Sure, I had Ali mad at me right now. But he was my best friend and eventually we would be good again. It was only a matter of time, and maybe a bit of begging on my end.

Charlie, though… I didn’t know what to do with him. He was like a dog with a bone who kept coming back for more. Even though I gave in once, he was still here, around every corner, always with a smile on his face and happiness in his heart.

It creeped me out.

But then I gathered my wits and continued walking.

“I have a surprise. For you, I mean,” he said as I walked away.

“I hate surprises,” I called back, not bothering to turn around.