Page 64 of Rise

While the aim is to get to Ace’s house as quickly as possible, we don’t want to attract attention to ourselves if we can help it, which is why we’re only driving over the speed limit by a small amount.

“How far away is Ace’s place?” I ask, keeping an eye on our surroundings in case someone decides to follow us or there’s anything that could be a danger to us or even give us more information about what’s going on here.

“About five minutes. His place is the closest to the main part of town,” Rip replies, putting his foot down just a little bit more.

The closer we get to Ace’s family estate, the more the tension rises in the car. We’re so close to being on safe ground, or at least supposedly safe ground, that it’s upping the tensions. The hearse procession through town could have been an elaborate plan to lure the guys back here; the only reason why I’m sure that’s not true is because they would’ve had no way to know that Ace would hack into the cameras when he did, so unless they had it on a constant loop, which would be impossible to sustain, it’s not possible for them to have known that Ace was watching and because of that I’m leaning more toward them actually being dead.

Rip suddenly turns off, and we drive down a smooth and well-looked-after road, dense trees lining either side of it.

“That’s strange. The gates shouldn’t be open; they’re never left open.” Ace points out as we approach a set of imposing and ornate-looking gates that are open almost welcomingly.

Without having to be told, we all pull out a gun, checking them over as the house finally comes into view. I can only see what’s illuminated by the headlights of the car and the single light that is coming from the house, illuminating the front door. Even though I can’t see that much, I can see enough to get the impression of a vast property, one that is elegant and old as well. I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that over the centuries, the various generations of Ace’s families have added their own twists to it, and although it's not relevant right now, I am kind of looking forward to exploring such an old property.

Rip leaves the car running so that we can have as quick a getaway as we can should something go wrong. We all exit the vehicle together, keeping an eye on our surroundings as we approach the door, Ace tries the handle, which surprisingly opens, and we cautiously enter, only to stop dead in our tracks as we come across a woman dressed in a uniform kneeling on the floor with her hands behind her head.

“Please, they’re already dead; there’s nothing else left here, no one of importance, just staff,” she practically begs, her eyes squinting and making me realise that she can’t actually see us. She can just see five imposing figures with weapons. I don’t count myself as an imposing figure because, compared to my men, I’m tiny and not at all imposing.

One of the guys flicks the light on, making the woman flinch, and me blink as my eyes try to adjust to the sudden brightness.

“So my parents really are dead then?” Ace asks, and the woman looks instantly relieved, although she stays kneeling on the floor.

“Yes, Master Ace, a few days ago, they were both killed in their sleep. One of the maids found them,” she replies.

Ace frowns, “Please stand up. We aren’t going to hurt you.”

Slowly and cautiously, she stands and gets a first proper look at the rest of us standing behind Ace. Her eyes widen as she clearly recognises them as the other heirs, “Mr. Rome, you must be here to take over your house as well?”

Rome’s eyes darken slightly, “It’s true then my father really is dead? What about my mother?”

The woman nods, “Your father is dead, and no one knows what has happened to your mother, but all of the staff from the head houses talk respectfully, of course,” she adds, momentarily panicking that she’s misstepped.

Rome’s smile is kind, he can tell that she’s on edge, and there really isn’t any need for her to be, as he says, “I can guarantee that you have all been more respectful than we have.”

His words make her smile as she continues, “Your mother hasn’t been back to the house, so I think it’s safe to assume that you are now head of the family. However, there are things there that need your attention as soon as possible.”

Rome nods, not bothering to question her, “And what of the other families?”

“Master Rip’s mother was found in the middle of town, she seemed to have simply collapsed, and his father as you know was already dead. I do not know where Master Mason and Master Malachi’s parents are. We have been on lockdown since the first murder and have tried to remain as close to the properties as possible, only passing essential news. No one has heard anything from Master Mason and Master Malachi’s estate for the last six months. No one has been seen coming in or out, apart from a food delivery. They have upped their security by a lot.”

“So the families have finally decided to kill each other off?” Mason asks her and then adds, “Do you know why they suddenly decided to switch it up from abrasively coexisting to murder?”

Before he’s even finished talking, she’s shaking her head, “No, this isn’t the families. When Master Rome’s father was murdered, all of the families were in shock, none of them were the ones who did it, and it wasn’t obviously any of their work either. There is, of course, a chance that they retaliated, and then it spiraled, but it wasn’t originally started by one of the families.”

The guys all share a confused and knowing look.

“Very well. Will you be able to accommodate us for the night? We shall head over to my place to attend to what you mentioned needed attending to and to also let the staff know that we’re here and they can take some time off,” Rome says to her.

Her eyebrows furrow, “Time off?”

I feel my eyebrows rise as I hear Mase, who is standing closest to me, grumble under his breath.

“Yes, time off. As a matter of fact, if you and whoever else is still here would like to take some time off to relax, you are more than welcome to.” Ace offers and then adds with a frown, “If I remember correctly, some of you live in the house or on the grounds; just to be clear, you can still take time off, and I will let you know when we need you back.”

Instead of looking pleased, the woman wrings her hands together, and sensing her nerves, I step forward, gaining her attention as I ask gently, “What’s wrong?”

She lowers her voice, stepping closer to me as she looks around at them nervously, “We very much appreciate the offer, but we can’t afford to take time off.”

My worry clears as I reply, “Oh, don’t worry about that; it will be paid vacation. We didn’t give you any notice or anything like that.”