Page 40 of Rise

Anger thrums through my veins, “Why? I don’t understand why she would go so far out of her way to ignore you on your birthday and make it so obvious.”

Jynx turns to look at me, “Because she hated that I existed, she hated that I reminded her of my father, whoever the fuck he was, and on my birthday it’s like she couldn’t even hide it by her vague indifference to me and rushed hellos every now and then, so she settled for ignoring me completely.”

“That’s fucked up,” Mal exclaims, “I’m so sorry. The deal stands for you too, we want to know when your birthday is and we will celebrate it properly from now on.”

Jynx smiles, “I’d really like that. Now lets find this fucker.”

It always amuses me how quickly emotional stuff makes her uncomfortable and enough so that it makes her change the subject. She’s far more comfortable with all things bloody and violent, and to be honest, we are too. That doesn’t mean I find it any less cute when she does it.

Chapter Fourteen


“Why do I feel like you’re still mad?” Rome asks, almost cautiously, as we start forward again.

I shrug, “Probably because I am.”

“With us?” Ace asks, sounding worried that I might be.

“No, with your fuck face parents, the more I learn about them, the more I want to torture and kill them,” I reply honestly and then wince, “I probably shouldn’t have told you that. I mean, that was pretty dark, considering they are your parents.”

Rome chuckles, “You forget Koroleva. We understand you. We think in the same violent and bloodthirsty patterns that you do. I am reasonably sure that there is nothing you can say that would shock us.”

My smile widens, “Thank fuck for that.”

Our conversation gets interrupted as movement from just up ahead and to the left distracts me, and the guy we’re looking for pops out of the freaking bush like a damn jack in the box. I stare at him in utter bewilderment as he looks at the guys and me in panic. Before I can decide whether he presents a threat or is going to make a run for it, and I’m going to have to chase him before I can decide any of that, he’s talking, and he doesn’t seem to be stopping anytime soon.

“I’m sorry. I’m really fucking sorry,” he starts, his words coming out quickly, his hands in the air as he stays standing in the bush.

This is a smart move because if he rushed us, we’d most likely shoot first and then ask him questions while he was bleeding from a non-fatal wound.

“What are you sorry for?” Rome asks, seeing if the guy really is going to give himself up.

“For trying to bribe Mona, I swear I had no intention of it going that far, and I didn’t give any of the information that I told her I had to anyone. In fact, I haven’t even got a copy. I just read stuff off the system and then emailed that I knew. My little sister is in the hospital, and she needs full-time care, and her hospital bill suddenly increased because she’s taken a turn for the worse, and my wages no longer covered it, and they were going to stop her care which would have meant she would have deteriorated really quickly and I live out of my car because nearly all of my money goes to the medical bills already and that’s no place for her. The problem was the hospital bills kept coming, and I had no other way around it, and it just fucking spiraled.”

Whoa, that was a whole lot of information in a short amount of time, and I actually find myself feeling slightly sorry for the guy, which is not what I thought I would be feeling today.

Rome crosses his arms over his chest and stares Fredrick down, “And what about Rylie?”

Fredrick immediately pales, “Oh man, I fucked up so fucking bad. She found out I was the one stealing or pretending to steal the information, not that she knew that part, and because we’ve kind of talked before and shit, she confronted me about it instead of going straight to her mother, but I couldn’t tell her because that would put my little sister in danger, the life I lead is a necessity and I fucking love it but it’s not safe, and I want to keep my sister's existence a secret from every fucker except now I’ve fucked up so bad that I’ve had to tell you and she’s probably not safe anymore.” He pauses, looking truly distraught before he continues explaining, “I panicked that I wouldn’t be able to help my sister anymore, and then Rylie started getting mad because I wouldn’t tell her, and then it all fucking escalated, and I ended up fucking kidnapping her. Which, by the way, was far too fucking easy, and if I ever get the chance to plead my case and actually fucking live, then I plan to help Mona fix that massive security risk and all the other ones.”

He finally stops talking to us, and I realise a few things at once, he really fucking loves his sister so much so that he is willing to die for her and two, he is really passionate about his job here, and that’s something I can work with. I glance at the guys to see if they’re thinking along the same lines that I am. This has just gotten slightly more complicated and not in the way that I thought it would. At the end of the day, he stole money by pretending to steal information and actually stole Mona’s daughter, and I don’t imagine that he’s going to be easily forgiven for that. Even though in his situation, I probably would’ve done something similar, although I wouldn’t have stolen my boss's daughter.

When my eyes get to Ace, I see that he has his phone out, and he winks at me, instantly letting me know that he’s up to something. I hope that it's something that’s going to work in Fredrick’s favour because although his actions can’t go unpunished, he shouldn’t be killed for them like I know Mona is planning to do, and if she is insistent on that, then I’m going to have to step in, and that is going to cause problems for our future working relationship, which is something that I want to avoid at all costs if I can.

“Where is she?” Rip asks.

“I can take you to her. She’s okay, I promise. Well, she is spitting fucking mad,” Fredrick replies.

“How far away is she from here?” I ask.

“Not far, only a mile or so. I didn’t really know where to take her, so technically, she’s still on Mona’s land, just not the land within the security fencing. Instead, she’s in this little shack that is on the very edge of the land.”

“Okay, take us there.” Rome orders and then adds, “First though, we’re going to disarm you and make sure that you’ve got no weapons on you. Arms up and no sudden movements.”

Fredrick nods solemnly, “Of course, I understand.”

Rome nods and then looks to Mase and Mal, who step forward without needing to be told with words and start searching the guy for a weapon, every one that they find they hand back to Rip and Ace.