Page 30 of Rise

Ace’s voice is slightly muffled as he replies, “Yeah, actually, dude could you come under here and just hold this for me? Apparently, I need three hands to do it, and I’d rather it was someone who had some experience.”

Nash chuckles, “Yeah, man, I can help with that.”

The rest of us just stay quiet. I don’t know about everyone else, but for me, I don’t want to make them jump by speaking and then cause them to make a mistake and blow everything up. It doesn’t take them very long to begin shimmying back out from underneath the van.

Ace holds up the small device triumphantly, “Tricky little fucker, that one.”

“Are you sure it’s completely disabled?” Dax asks.

“Yeah, don’t worry,” Nash reassures him.

“Alright, now that’s sorted; let's get going. We’re running out of time,” Rome orders.

Everyone splits up, and it’s not until we’re pulling out of the lot that anyone speaks.

“There was still quite a lot of time left on it,” Ace tells us.

“So either they weren’t really trying to kill us, or they misjudged how long we were going to be in the hospital,” I reply.

“Yeah, and knowing them, I’d be more inclined to believe that it’s the second reason, although that still makes me question a few things because it’s not like them to make mistakes,” Rip adds.

“I guess it's something else to add to the list of what’s going on with them.” Rome agrees.

“You might want to warn Waverly and Micha to keep an eye out for anything suspicious. It’s not likely that they’ll go after them because they’ll view them as not worth their time.” Mal warns me and reassures me all in the same sentence.

“Okay, good idea,” I reply, as I pull out my phone and send a quick message to Waverly explaining what happened.

It’s not long until we’re parking the van and making our way across the asphalt and into the plane. I greet Carter as enthusiastically as I can, but he can obviously tell that I’m exhausted because he simply smiles and then hands me a blanket. The others aren’t far behind us, and then we’re in the air. It’s evident that the events of the last few days have caught up with us all because we all practically collapse into the seats, and even Sawyer, just says that instead of talking about the meeting now, he’ll come over tomorrow a few hours before it starts and we can go over a few things.

I have to admit that I get to the point where I am so freaking tired that everything starts to feel like a dream, and I experience little time jumps. One minute I’m on the plane, the next, we’re in our SUV, and then I’m in bed with Rome. I’m also tired enough that I do not care how this happened or how I’m here. I just snuggle down on Rome’s chest, humming happily, which I’m sure he chuckles at, and then let sleep take me.


By the time that Sawyer shows up the following day, we’ve only just managed to eat and get dressed since we decided to take it slow this morning. I’m still feeling like I’m heading towards burnout, and we aren’t going to be stopping any time soon since I promised Mona that we’d be at hers tomorrow to start going over the security breach that she’s had. Hopefully, that won’t take us too long to sort out though, and as is common with these kinds of security breaches, we might actually get some time to relax since most of it will be researching, watching surveillance and things before we can identify who is behind the leak and then take care of them.

“Okay, so you know the plan?” Sawyer asks after we’ve gone through a few things.

“Yeah, I’m going to outline any changes I’m making to the current rules they have in place, which are pretty much all the misogynistic and outdated ones. Prepare for the outrage that I’m getting rid of the whole assassination year and then the other assassination attempts in ten years,” I start to explain.

“And be prepared that some of the members who leave are most likely going to ignore that completely and try with the assassination attempts,” Rome points out, not sounding very happy about it at all.

I nod and squeeze his hand, “I know, but really it's not much different from now; the assassination attempts will just be more regular. Not to mention that it just gives me even more motivation to make sure that those that are left in the Ravens become the best that they can be, and by doing that, it makes anyone who is thinking about going against us think twice.”

“That’s a very good point, and I think it’s very doable,” Rome replies with a proud smile.

“Good. What else are you going to mention?” Sawyer asks with a smile and a gentle prompt to help me remember.

“The pay for the jobs, and I’ll explain the different levels. I also need to talk about the extra training that I want everyone to complete or prove that they know before I’m comfortable sending them out on jobs. I want to introduce them to the tech team and let them know that the jobs will be coming through them and that they need to be treated with the utmost respect. I also need to let them know that the Conspiracy team is the second team in charge after us, meaning that whenever we’re out of town on jobs or anything like that, any questions get deferred to you guys, and then if you aren’t sure you can get in contact with me.”

“I can’t tell you how much it means to them that you trust them that much. Although, Harley is shitting it thinking that she’s going to fuck up somehow.” Sawyer replies.

I grin, “I highly doubt that she’s going to do that. By the way, could you let her know that the offer still stands, and when she decides that she’s ready for help, we will make it our top priority, and she can either be involved with it or leave it all up to my team.”

Sawyer’s expression becomes hard as he nods, “Yes, I will. She’s closer to agreeing to help than she ever has been before and we’re gently trying to encourage her in the right direction.”

“We get it man, you need her to make the decision for herself though, or she will forever be second guessing whether she made the right choice, which can have pretty drastic psychological effects,” Mason tells him.

It always shocks me just how intelligent Mason is; he has this quiet intelligence about him, one that he doesn’t like to flaunt and only voices if he wants to help someone. It’s sexy as fuck.