Page 25 of Rise

My father is a bully of the worst kind. The problem with him is that he has so much power and controls so many people with fear that standing up to him isn’t as simple as it is with Chris and many of the other assholes that we come up against.

“Well, at least we have no risk of him seeing us stop at the motel next to the hospital to get the other van. I don’t think he’s clicked on that we’ve got anything to do with Micha yet.” I point out.

“Which is probably going to work in our favour,” Mason adds.

No one bothers to pick up Chris off the floor, and we just leave him there as the conversation carries on around him. It takes no time at all for us to get to the hospital and for everyone to split into the right vehicles. As predicted, those who were going to be back up were not happy about it, and after a brief discussion, it was decided that one of us would be on a phone call with those who were waiting in the other van. They still aren’t happy about it, but it's as good as we can do, so they agree reluctantly.

As soon as they find a place not suspiciously close to the house to park up, my phone rings, and I answer the call from Ace.

“Was it really necessary to call us already?” I ask.

“Yes,” is the group reply I get from Mal, him, and Waverly.

“You’d be the same,” Mason points out from next to me as he checks his gun, and Rip drives us to the gates that close off the long driveway.

“Fine, I’m putting you in my pocket now; remember to stay quiet and where you are unless one of us says, Koroleva,” I remind them. We figured that the likelihood of someone using the nickname that I have given Jynx was pretty slim, so that became our trigger word.

“There’s a guard,” Rip warns.

“That’s fine. I’ll give my name now. They won’t have enough time to prepare to do anything, so I don’t mind,” Jynx replies.

The connections that she has always shock me and I know it's partly because of her uncle D, but watching now as the guard's eyes instantly widen and he goes from aggressive to worried as soon as he sees Jynx, it’s evident that the respect that she has from each of these connections is because of her and her skillset not D’s.

“Jynx?” the guard questions, sounding nervous, “Does Ryan know that you are coming?”

Jynx’s smile is sharp, deadly, and beautiful as she replies, “No, I have a gift for him.”

The guard clearly decides that he’s done dealing with this, and it's above his pay grade because he simply nods, gulps, and then goes back to the little control room and opens the gate. He clearly decided that dealing with his boss's wrath later for letting us in was going to be more favourable than dealing with Jynx now, which makes me smile.

As soon as we clear the gate, Chris starts groaning on the floor, and Mason pulls him up, smiling just a little bit too wide at him, “Just in time.”

Chris instantly looks wary, and I can’t say that I blame him. When Mason smiles like that, it’s damn unnerving. Chris should just be grateful that Mal isn’t here too, because when they do it together, it is genuinely terrifying.

“In time for what?” Chris asks, nerves threading through his voice.

“You’ll see,” Jynx replies, “I thought you might like to visit some friends of mine.”

Before Chris can question us any further, Rip pulls up to a large mansion, and there’s no more time for talking, especially since the leader of the Rougarou, Ryan, is standing on the steps and flanked by some of his members who, although very obviously armed none of them are reaching for their weapons and I have a feeling that the reason is the same reason why Mona yelled at her men when they drew their weapons, no one wants to make an enemy out of Jynx.

Her reputation really is that good, despite the fact that she’s only nineteen.

I climb into the back so that Mason and I can grab Chris as soon as the van stops. When it does, Rip and Jynx get out of the front, and Jynx stays by her door, keeping an eye on the Rougarou gang as Rip comes around the back to open the van and help us get him out.

As we all walk around the front of the van, Chris is clearly too confused about where we are to put up any fight as we walk him to stand next to Jynx. We’re all quite happy to let Jynx take the lead in this; she’s the one who has the experience with the Rougarou, and not only that, but she’s incredibly good in these sorts of situations.

As soon as Ryan sees Chris, his eyebrows rise, and the warm smile that he was giving Jynx falls, and I’m hoping that it’s because he’s realised that one of his has fucked up and not because he’s starting to see us as an enemy that he needs to try and take down.

Before Jynx can explain why we’re here, Chris interrupts.

He laughs obnoxiously as he says, “You fucking idiots, you’re all going to die now.”

“Shut the fuck up, Chris. I don’t think you realise just how much fucking trouble you are in,” Ryan snaps.

Chris immediately pales at his words, and his gaze moves to us, and for the first time, he looks genuinely scared. He thought he had the Rougarou in his back pocket, and now, that safety net has been taken away from him and left him feeling unsure.

“Jynx, would you mind enlightening me?” Ryan says carefully.

Jynx nods, “It’s quite simple, really; Chris threatened a very close friend of mine and put him in the hospital. He also threatened, very graphically, to harm children and my friend's girlfriend. My friend took the threats seriously, considering Chris had been beating his mother black and blue for months and had already laid hands on the kids. When he went to diffuse the situation and ensure that the kids and his girlfriend remained safe he was attacked.”