Page 20 of Rise

“Thanks. Alright, we’ll park here and then head around to where he was attacked. The police weren’t called, so nothing should have been disturbed.” As she pulls up to the curb, she replies.

“Did you call me straightway?” I ask, wanting to know how long it’s been because that changes the likelihood of us being able to find anything useful here, and we need some kind of lead in order to find out what happened. If there’s nothing here, then there’s not much else we can do apart from wait for Micha to wake up, and unfortunately, we don’t know how long that’s going to take.

“Yeah, you were the first person I thought of,” Waverly replies, and I nod with a soft smile.

“Let’s get this done then,” Ace says, hopping from the van as soon as it's stopped.

We all quickly follow him and then, with Waverly leading us, head straight toward the alley. I have to admit that my stomach rumbles angrily at me as we walk past the bakery that has the most amazing smells wafting from it. The desire for baked goods is quickly squashed as soon as we turn into the alleyway and the usual smells that tend to hang around alleys assaults my nose and thoroughly puts me off any sort of food.

“It’s likely that Micha fought back, so look for anything that seems out of place and check underneath the dumpsters in case anything went under there in the struggle,” Rip suggests, and we all nod in agreement as we spread out and start searching.

“There aren’t any security cameras pointed down here,” Malachi points out, frowning.

It would’ve made everything so much easier if there was one, we could actually put a face to whoever did this, and that would mean we could get this sorted as quickly as possible.

We’re mostly silent as we search for anything that could help us, apart from the odd ‘gross’ coming from someone who has found something less than favourable.

“What’s the plan when we do find the person or people responsible for this?” Mason asks.

“That entirely depends on his motives and if there is still a threat to Micha, Waves, and the boys,” I reply.

“I’m assuming that if there is a threat still, then we’re eliminating the threat?” Rome asks as he crouches to look under a dumpster.

I shrug, “We won’t go straight to that, but if there’s no other alternative, then yes.”

“Got it,” Mase replies, a dark smile on his face.

“I think I’ve found something,” Waverly announces and then grimaces as she crouches down, pushing herself up against the dirty wall as she stretches her arm to try and reach behind one of the enormous dumpsters at the very end of the alley before any of us can offer to help, she’s pulling out a phone. “It’s Micha’s. The battery is dead and the screen is fucked. I doubt that we’ll be able to get into it.”

Ace holds out his hand, “Can I have a look?”

Waves nods and hands it over as she replies, “Yeah, of course.”

Ace takes it from her, and looks it over, “I doubt the screen will work again but I should be able to get some stuff off it.”

“Really?” I ask curiously, unaware that it was possible to do that when the screen was so severely damaged.

Mason smiles as he answers for Ace, “Oh yeah, he’s a damn genius; it probably won’t even take him that long; he’ll just need his laptop to get into it.”

“In that case why don’t we head back to my place, we can grab something to eat and put your stuff in your rooms, and Ace can get started on getting into the phone,” Waverly suggests.

“Sounds good to me,” Ace replies, “I’m starving anyway.”

“You are always hungry,” Rip retorts.

Ace flips him off with a smile as we head back to the van, and he replies, “Fuck off, so are you.”

Rip just shrugs, but doesn’t bother confirming that he’s right.

The drive back to Waverly’s is filled with easy-going chatter, we can’t do anything else until we hopefully find something on the phone, which is incredibly frustrating but can’t be helped. Thankfully once we are back at Waverly’s and Ace has access to his laptop, it takes him no time at all to get into it, and we’re just tucking into some sandwiches when he reappears from the room that he claimed as his, with his laptop and the phone.

“I’m in,” he grins proudly, sitting down at the large table and taking a massive bite of the sandwich that Mal just pushed over to him.

“That was quick,” Waverly comments, sounding impressed.

“It wasn’t that hard to get into. He didn’t have any extra security on it apart from the basics that it already comes with,” Ace replies with a disapproving frown. “When this is all sorted, remind me to update the security on both of your phones.”

Waverly nods, “Thank you, we’d appreciate that.”