Page 60 of Rise

“They haven’t updated the system since I last got into it,” Ace suddenly announces and my eyes pop open, I have no idea when I closed them or how long they’ve been closed for.

“That doesn’t make sense. As you said earlier, they usually update the system every two months, and the last time you were in there was nearly a year ago. What the fuck is going on?” Rome asks.

“I’m in, just let me go through some of the cameras and we’ll see what’s going on,” Ace replies.

Instead of waiting for him to find something and then tell us, Rome says, “Hook it up to the TV. I think we all want to see what’s going on and it will be easier anyway.”

Ace nods and has it hooked up quickly before he starts flicking through the cameras, “The streets are almost deserted. They fucking shouldn’t be; it’s the middle of the damn day.”

“That’s really weird,” Mal offers, looking confused as we all watch what appears to be a ghost town. “There are a few people walking around, but not as many as there should be.”

“They look like they’re rushing to get back inside though, and away from the main street. What the hell,” Mason replies.

There appears to be only one main street with a few stores, and that’s about it. The town really is tiny.

“I’m just going to flick through the cameras and see if we can see anything,” Ace explains to us and quickly does that; although everywhere looks reasonably quiet, there are still people going about their business in other parts of the town, tending to their gardens, talking to neighbors, leaving the town limits that sort of thing. So it's just the main road through town that seems to be abandoned entirely, and when Ace flicks back to that camera, the one that looks straight down the length of it, I think I know why. Three hearses, with coffins inside, are driving slowly down the main road, and Ace follows them on the cameras until they reach the cemetery where no one is in attendance, as they simply unload them from the cars and lower them straight into the ground, no ceremony or anything.

“Who are they burying?” Rip asks.

I’m about to tell him there’s no way that we could really tell without going there, but Ace does something and the camera angle switches. He zooms in slightly and says with surprise but no real upset, “My mom and dad and Rip’s mom as well, but there’s a grave here for Rome’s dad, so I think he’s buried here as well.”

“Someone is killing off the heads of the families,” Rome mutters, his brows furrowing.

I watch them all closely, just to make sure that they’re okay after hearing that some of their parents are dead, and although they seem okay, I can’t help but check, “Are you guys okay?”

Rip frowns slightly, looking confused, and then says, “Oh yeah, they literally tortured us, made our lives hell, and have been trying to kill us for years. None of us are exactly torn up that they’re dead.”

I nod, “Fair enough.”

“So that would suggest that the twin's parents, and my mom are the ones that have upped the attempts on our lives recently,” Rome suggests.

Mal nods, “Yeah, and they’ve done it because Ace and Rip are the heads of their family’s now, and they know that if they goes back, we’re all going back, and we’re going to make life incredibly difficult for them.”

Ace’s smile is dangerous, “I think it's about time we went back to sort shit out anyway, they’ve got away with far too much for far too long, and now I want to get answers. I want the truth about what’s really going on.”

“So it’s settled, then we’re going back?” Rome asks.

Everyone nods in agreement, all of their expressions dark and dangerous. However, there’s an air of excitement that thrums throughout the room, they always knew that this day would come, and I think they’re more than ready to head back and get some answers while showing their parents for once and for all that they aren’t to be messed with.

“Let’s get everything sorted then, Ace you’re going to have to bring Murphy and the dogs with us; we can’t leave them here by themselves, we don’t know when we’ll be back,” Mason points out and Ace frowns.

“I really don’t want to take them though it’s not going to be safe, and we all know how sadistic our parents are. If they get their hands on them, they’ll kill them in front of us as some kind of weird and fucked up power play.” He replies.

“Why don’t we ask Sawyer if he can watch them? He’s used to the dogs, he knows their commands, and Murphy isn’t much trouble so long as he’s being fed. I need to call them and let them know that we’re going to be out of town for a while and to contact me if it's an emergency, but not for regular updates anyway.” I suggest.

Ace smiles with relief, “Yes, please, I really don’t want to take them with us, especially not Murph. He’s got absolutely no training whatsoever.”

“No problem. I take it we’re planning to head out soon?” I ask, and everyone looks at Rome.

“I think we should leave as soon as we’ve packed. Getting there under cover of darkness is going to be the best way to arrive somewhat safely, and Ace, since you are now the head of your family, we’re going to have to stay at your place. I don’t suppose you can get into your family's estate cameras just to make sure that they aren’t faking their own deaths? I think it’s unlikely since we’ve had more activity surrounding us but I would still like to be sure,” Rome suggests.

Ace shakes his head, “No, my family has their security on a completely different system. I would need to be close by in order to attempt to get in, and even then, it might take a few hours, we’re going to have to hope that we’re right and go in heavily armed, guns blazing.”

Rip’s smile is sharp as he replies, “That’s my kind of entry, it’s been too quiet around here lately, anyway.”

“Why don’t we go to mine? I mean we know it’s empty, right? Or Rip’s he’s now technically head of his estate right? His mom and his dad are dead.” I ask.

“If I remember the fifth family estate correctly, it’s not easy to get to, and it’s along a coastal road that needed a lot of maintenance to stop it from crumbling away. It was falling apart when we were kids, so it's probably in awful fucking condition by now. I don’t want to risk trying to get the SUV down that road in the dark when there’s a strong possibility that the road will collapse underneath us. We’re most likely going to have to park the car up somewhere safe and head up when we go to check it out, but it is quite a long walk and, again, not something I want to do behind enemy lines in the dark,” Malachi answers me.