Page 38 of Rise

“As far as I can tell, all three of them are currently on the grounds and haven’t left all day.” The guy tells us and then asks curiously, “Is there anything that we should know?”

Rome shakes his head with an easygoing smile, “Not at the moment, but as soon as we have more information, we will let you know.”

They both nod, although the curiosity in their eyes doesn’t diminish in the slightest, not that I can blame them. Everyone here knows that Rylie has been taken, and if they don’t know, then they know that something big is going on.

“Do you know where they are stationed today?” Rip asks from the front seat.

Which is a smart question because Mona’s estate is not small and it could take us a while to find them which wouldn’t be that bad except it would give Fredrick more time to get told that we’re here and we’re looking for him. We already know that he’s unpredictable, so fuck knows what he would do if he knew that we were here looking for him.

“Erm, yes I think so, it will be written next to their names from when they arrived, give me a second, and I’ll tell you where they’re supposed to be,” the guy with the clipboard replies.

“Supposed to be?” Rome questions, and I catch a glimpse of his unimpressed eyebrow-raised expression.

The one that spoke to us first replies, while the clipboard guy is busy, “Yes well sometimes the guys switch around their assignments if they need to be out earlier or just don’t like the area they’ve been tasked with.”

Rome hums in disapproval as he replies, “That doesn’t seem to be the most effective way to run a team. It leaves you open for security breaches for example.”

The guy doesn’t respond, but it’s evident from his expression that he knows that Rome is right, and I wonder if Mona is aware that her people do this. She has so many people working for her because she is in control of one of the most prominent criminal organizations in this part of the country, and because of that, I doubt that she is completely aware of everything that goes on within her ranks.

It's one of the reasons that I am incredibly grateful that the Raven's ranks have shrunk to what they are and I’m most likely going to strive to keep it that small. If I decide to take on any more Ravens in the future, they’re going to have to be fucking amazing at what they do and prove to me that its worth the risk I’m taking by employing them.

“Okay, I’ve got it. So, Thomas is working the perimeter at the back of the woodland, Rupert is stationed in the kitchens like usual and Freddy is walking the right perimeter line. It should be easy enough to find any of them.”

In the rearview mirror, I catch Rome smile his winning smile at them both that instantly puts them at ease as he replies, “Thank you guys, we really appreciate your help. We’ll be sure to put in a good word with Mona.”

Then, without another word to them, Rome does the window up and pulls away.

“Did you notice how the guy called him Freddy?” Ace asks.

“Oh yeah, they definitely know each other, which means he could’ve told us immediately that Freddy was here today and he was either buying time or fishing for information.” Mase points out.

“Well, I’m sure we’re going to find out soon,” Rome replies grimly as we pull up to the house, parking the SUV.

We all double-check our weapons and then step out of the vehicle, orienting ourselves before we set off in the direction of the perimeter line on the right. We get a lot of attention and looks from the people that we pass, and it's obvious to me at least, that Mona has kept what is going on from the majority of people here, and they don’t like it. It’s making them feel uneasy and putting them on edge, which is understandable but also isn’t going to make our job any easier, since people are automatically going to be wary of us and less likely to open up to us. There is also a chance that they’re going to spread the word that we’re here, although the majority of them should assume that we’re here because of the security breach and the information being stolen. However, the fact that we’re looking around the grounds and not just at the computers might be making them question things, especially since we were called in last night when Mona suddenly upped the security. As good a leader as Mona is, her child was taken last night and it was obvious that something was more wrong than missing information.

As soon as we’re out of earshot of those near the house and heading across the expansive lawn to walk the perimeter in the hopes of coming across Fredrick, I mutter, “Well, that was a decidedly frosty reception.”

The guys grin at my analysis of the situation, and Ace swings his arm over my shoulder as he replies, “You would be feeling a little frosty too, especially if they all know of your reputation and word most likely has already spread that you are now the leader of the Ravens which is fucking impressive considering you’re only nineteen.”

“Yeah, Koroleva, you can’t even legally drink yet,” Rome teases.

I snort, “Neither can you! You guys are either the same age as me or twenty.”

“I’m not,” Rip smirks, his eyes crinkling as he watches my eyes go wide.

Ace shakes his head and smacks him on the back as he chuckles, “Oh, brother, I am not sure that was smart.”

My eyes narrow, “Either, you lied before when we were all talking about it or, you’ve had a birthday recently and I didn’t know?”

“Erm,” Rip suddenly looks sheepish, his eyes darting to the others for help as he scrubs the back of his neck with his hand in a nervous gesture.

I stop just as we get to the fencing that surrounds the property and cross my arms over my chest, feeling slightly hurt that he didn’t tell me when his birthday was and also aware that now isn’t really the right time for this conversation. I’m still not able to stop myself from asking, “When was it?”

“The day we flew out to see Waverly,” Rip replies with a slight wince.

I look around at the others and say, with a warning in my tone, “You can bet your fucking ass that we’re going to talk about this later, all of you!”

Mal’s eyes go wide as he points at his chest, “Us? What did we do?”