Page 37 of Rise

Rip frowns, “Okay, so how does he end up in a heated argument with the daughter of his very powerful crime boss?”

“Fuck knows. Although we are assuming that he’s the one who kidnapped her, it could’ve quite easily been someone who came after they had the argument,” Ace points out, although it seems reasonably unlikely that someone came after since this is so close to when Rylie set off the alarm.

“Well, there’s one way to find out. Start the tape back up, and we’ll see what happened,” Rome replies.

Ace starts the tape back up, and we watch as it very suddenly develops into a physical fight, and Rylie holds her own for a while before being overtaken and knocked out cold. The most interesting thing about this whole thing is the guy's reaction after he knocks her out. In the simplest of terms he panics, he stares down at her in shock, pacing around her as he grips his hair, and then seemingly still panicking; he picks her up gently and then carries her in the opposite direction to the one that she was going.

Ace quickly follows their progress on the cameras, and we watch as the guy carrying Rylie doesn’t even try to hide himself from the cameras, which he clearly knows are there because he’s glanced up at a couple of them as he’s walked past, looking incredibly panicked but still not hiding the fact that he was carrying the unconscious daughter of his boss.

“Something isn’t right about this,” Rome mutters, leaning further forward in his seat, “I mean, there doesn’t seem to be any planning for this at all, he looks too twitchy and nervous for this to be well thought out.”

“I think you’re right. He’s panicking far too much,” Mal adds.

“He’s not even trying to conceal where he’s going from the cameras or from anyone who might come across him,” Ace adds as we watch him break out from the trees into a parking lot at the back of the estate, the car he goes to is reasonably close to the woods but even so Ace is right, he’s not trying to hide the fact that he’s carrying Rylie.

I frown, “It’s almost like he’s hoping he will get caught.”

“But that doesn’t make any sense either,” Mal adds, sounding as confused as we all feel.

We continue watching as he drives out of the security gates, even slowing down to talk to the guards on the gates, again almost like he’s hoping they’ll decide to do a check of his car when they don’t after a while, he carries on.

“There’s definitely not something right about any of this,” I say.

“I know it's unlikely, but why don’t we see if he’s in today? We have to go to Mona’s place anyway, not that I think we need to check out the crime scene now but while we’re there, we can check with the security at the gate and see if he’s come to work today. He was clearly panicking, and sometimes when people commit a crime that they had no intention of committing they carry on with their usual habits.” Malachi suggests.

I nod in agreement, “Yeah, let’s do that. You never know; we might get lucky, and this could be over a lot quicker than we thought it would be.”

“That’s assuming he didn’t panic again and kill her or hand her over to someone who did,” Rip adds grimly.

Ace looks harshly at him, “Dude, easy; Blue knows her remember.”

I smile, but reply, “Thank you for looking out for me as always, but I am well aware of what could be happening to her right now. I’ve lived this life for a long time now, and I’d much rather know every possibility so that I’m not caught off guard.”

Ace nods, “Yeah, okay, that makes sense.”

“Alright, let’s go to Mona’s and speak with the guys at the gate. Hopefully, they’ll be able to tell us if Fredrick is in today or not,” Rip says, standing up and prompting the rest of us to do the same.

“I’ll just send a quick message to Mona to let her know that we’re on our way over and to warn her that we’ll be wondering around but not to give her security a heads up,” I tell them, already typing out the message as I follow the guys to the front door and hoping I don’t walk into anything or anyone.

“Good idea. We don’t want to give Fredrick a heads up that we’re coming if he is stupid enough to have gone to work today, and Mona doesn’t want any information until Rylie is secured,” Mal replies.

“Which makes perfect sense because if it were my daughter who had been kidnapped by someone I trusted, I’d find it very hard not to torture and kill the fucker,” Rome replies, sounding completely nonchalant about the whole made-up scenario and making me find him incredibly hot.

Why do violent men being protective turn me on?

“Along those same lines, when we ask the guys at the gate if Fredrick has come into work today, I think it would be a good idea to ask for more than just him. Otherwise, if he is there, it’s going to throw suspicion on just Fredrick, which is either going to result in someone else getting to him and taking the situation into their own hands before we can or warning him and giving him a head start,” Ace suggests.

“Yeah, I agree. Jynx, Mase, what are some other names from the list?” Rip asks us.

We quickly reel off a few of the names we remember and leave it up to Rome to decide which ones he uses. Hopefully, this all goes reasonably smoothly, although that seems unlikely. Only an absolute idiot would go back to work and pretend like nothing has happened after having done something like he has, but then again it might be like Mal suggested, and the whole thing was so spontaneous that he's fallen back into the comfort of old habits.

The drive to Mona’s place goes surprisingly quickly, and it’s not long until we’re pulling up to the guard house. They both look surprised when instead of just driving past them when they wave us through, we slow to a stop.

“Can we help you with something?” one of them asks Rome, who is, of course, driving.

“Actually yes, we were just wondering if Thomas Getty, Rupert Jones and Fredrick Ruesso came into work today?” Rome asks as we discussed earlier.

The guards share a look before the one standing at the car door nods to the other one, and he steps back into the little hut thing and comes out with a clipboard, flicking through the pages.