Page 21 of Rise

Ace nods, smiling around a big bite of his sandwich.

“What did you find?” Rome asks, trying to get him to focus on the task and not stuffing his face since he’s now got incredibly distracted by his sandwich.

Ace reluctantly puts his sandwich down and clears his throat, “Right, sorry. So I’m pretty sure we’ve found the guy that is behind this. He’s sent multiple threatening messages, all of which Micha either ignored or replied to flippantly, which clearly angered the fucker more. The messages increase in threat level until the last one, where he threatens to kill Waverly, the kids and Micha in a truly graphic way. After that the messages seem to stop but Micha did call him and I’m wondering if maybe they arranged to meet so that they could come to some kind of arrangement that would keep you and the children safe.”

“Fuck.” Waverly exclaims, getting up and starting to pace, “What the fuck was he thinking? Why didn’t he tell me what was going on?”

“He probably wanted to protect you,” Rip points out and when she glares at him adds, “Even though he knows that you are quite capable of protecting yourself, it will have still been his first instinct, and you’ve already got your hands full at the moment looking after the boys, I doubt he wanted to add to the stress. Especially, since he clearly didn’t think it was a proper threat.”

Waverly sighs heavily as her glare falls, “Yeah, I guess you’re right that sounds like something that Micha would do.”

“He also had the contact named, so he clearly knew who it was and was certain that they weren’t a threat,” Ace adds.

I raise my eyebrow and ask curiously, “What was the name?”

“Chris Davids, dick. Is what he’s got him saved under.”

“You are fucking kidding me?” Waverly exclaims.

I try to wrack my mind to figure out why that name sounds familiar and it doesn’t take long for it to click, I turn to Waves, “Wait, not Beverly’s ex Chris?”

She nods, her expression dark, “Yeah, that one. I told Micha to be careful when he got rid of him.”

“Who is he?” Mal asks curiously.

Waverly sighs and sits back down, “You know that Micha’s mom has some issues, and one of them is her choice in men, they tend to be vile, dangerous and shouldn’t be around children, hence why Micha and I ended up taking care of them.” She starts to explain, “Chris was the last one of his mom’s boyfriends. He was the one that made her realise that the boys would be safer with Micha. Chris was incredibly abusive and was into some dodgy shit, he also refused to leave when he was asked. Micha ensured that he lost his legal job and wouldn’t be able to be employed in town again, and of course, he forcibly removed him from his mother's house, beat the shit out of him and also had a restraining order put on him so Chris couldn’t go near his mom again. The last thing he did was tip the police off that he was carrying drugs, he only got found with a small amount but it was enough to cause him a lot of hassle.”

Mason whistles, “Well, I think it's safe to say that he definitely has the motive.”

“Absolutely,” Waverly replies.

“You said, legal job. Do we know the illegal side of it?” Rome asks curiously.

Ace rubs his hands together and says, “Give me a second and I’ll see what I can find out. I didn’t look before in case it wasn’t actually his name, and it wouldn’t have done us any good.”

“Alright dude,” Rome replies and then looks at me. “Is the plan still the same?”

“It is for the moment,” I reply and then look down at my phone as it buzzes, “Asher has just messaged. They’re all set up, and although Micha isn’t conscious yet, looking at his records and after doing his own examination, he feels that he will be awake soon. There isn’t a medical reason why he’s not woken yet, so he’s going to be okay. They haven’t seen anything suspicious around Micha’s room or the hospital yet.”

“Oh, thank fuck,” Waverly replies, “I feel so much better knowing that someone is watching over him. Especially now we know that it's Chris and he is definitely angry enough to want to finish the job.”

“Are the children safe?” Mason asks, obviously concerned, “I’m sure the Conspiracy team could spare a few members to keep an eye on them?”

Waverly smiles, “No it’s okay. They’re perfectly safe, they’re on vacation from school at the moment and are thankfully already visiting their grandmother a few hours away.”

Mason nods, looking relieved, “Good.”

Ace clears his throat, and we turn our attention back to him, “So this might have just gotten a tiny bit more complicated.”

“Oh?” Rome asks, sounding intrigued and not in the least bit worried.

“It turns out that Chris is a part of the Rougarou gang that operates in this area.” Ace replies with a frown, “They’ve got quite a dangerous reputation.”

“Why are you smiling? This is bad news,” Rip asks me, his eyebrows raised.

My smile widens, “I’m smiling because D is very good friends with the Rougarou gang and as such, I’ve done some work for them. I know them well enough to know that they will not like Chris’s actions.”

Waverly smirks, “In other words, he is fucked.”