I give him a look. “Yes, there are safer subjects.”

“Such as?”

“What have you been up to, for example?”

We both know that’s no safe subject.

He coughs a little and bangs a fist on his chest. “Can I eat my dinner first before I have to kill the moment?”

“Kill the moment? Do you have bad news?”

He thinks about it for about half a second, which is disturbing on all levels. “Depends how you look at it,” he replies.


“It’s nothing you need to worry about.”

“All right…” I say warily. “Is this to do with the Cam situation?”

It has to be with the way he’s acting. He’s all casual around the edges, but behind his eyes, I see something deeper.

“You know I’m not gonna talk about that.” He reaches forward for his wineglass and takes a large sip. Nothing about the notion sets me at ease.

I keep eating, hoping that whatever he has to tell me isn’t going to freak me the fuck out. I’m still getting over the fact that Cam was captured, and most likely tortured, before being killed just a few days ago. He was an asshole, no doubt about that, and having the mention of him back, no matter how brief, is a very hard limit for me.

The man who beat me and broke my ribs… and the rest.

“I love how you say that so casually.”

“Well, we have a handle on things.”

He can say what he likes, but I know him. I know when trouble is brewing. He can’t hide that as well as he thinks he can.

I keep eating my fries, acting as if I’m not trying to get intel on the Boston mafia.

I know I’m on a need-to-know basis. It’s always been like that, and it always will be. And while I may be a little more involved sometimes than I’d like to be, the risk factor is becoming more and more of an issue.

“Fynn, be straight with me, please?” I just want to know the score.

How much danger they are in, and when this is going to end.

“I’m always straight with you to some degree, Sage.”

I shake my head. “To some degree isn’t good enough. Something is going on, and I’m involved anyway, whether I like it or not.”

He sighs, but doesn’t deny anything. That in itself should be troubling, but I already know where this is going.

More death.

More carnage.

More blood spilled.

It’s what has to happen to keep order.

“You came here to talk, so hit me with it.”

He runs a hand through his hair and eyes me levelly. “There’s someone after us. Someone behind all of the attacks, including the Triads, the Brazilians, now the fucking Colombians… That’s all I can tell you, because it’s all I know myself. Someone is out for the Medici brothers and they’re not going to stop until we’re all dead.”