“Chili fries?”

I laugh. “You know me too well.”

He laughs too and it’s truly a beautiful sound. “You know I’ll throw in some onion rings if you’re a good girl.”

The way he says it… good girl. It shouldn’t make my panties wet, but then again, Fynn always knew how to talk.

“I’m always a good girl.”

He pauses, and I can almost hear the tension in the silence. I should stop. I’m flirting.

He clears his throat. “You know me, Sage. I’m good when I’m good, but when I’m bad, I’m better.”

My eyes widen.Holy shit. I remembereverythingabout when we were together… it’s not like I could truly forget. “I guess some things never change.”

And Fynn was one very good, unselfish, lover. The sex was always fantastic, even though we were young, and he was my first. Practice makes perfect, and I can attest to that.

Everything about us being together inthatway always made me feel alive.

It’s been so long for me, though… I don’t even know if I would remember what to do anymore.

“So I’ll see you around seven?”

“Fine.” I nod. “I’ll see you then.”

We click off, and I sit down on the edge of the bath.

I have one more phone call to make before dusk. Then I can run a bath, relax, read a book, and wait for Fynn to arrive with dinner.

* * *

Fynn is punctual, for once. He’s never been known for his timeliness, but if he’s out to get some brownie points, he’s going the right way about it.

And, as promised, he brings our favorite takeout.

I open the door. I’m dressed casual, and boy does it feel good to be out of those scrubs.

Fynn is wearing dark jeans, a black shirt, and a thick black jacket.

He’s bouncing on the spot when we’re face to face, trying to keep warm from the cold.

“Come in,” I tell him. It’s cozy inside. I have an ethanol fireplace that keeps my little space nice and warm.

“It’s freezing out, my teeth are chattering.” He smiles, waving the bag of takeout in front of me. It smells delicious.

We waste no time taking the food out. I warm it up for a minute in the microwave and set it out on plates. He fills two glasses as we make for the comfiness of the couch.

“You know this kind of bribery might be slowly starting to work,” I muse as I bite into my hotdog, closing my eyes to appreciate the taste.

“Wait, what? I thought I already was back in the good graces?”

I laugh and shake my head. “Nice try. I think it’s gonna take a little more than MO’s.”

“I don’t see why,” he says. Plonking down and taking a bite so big of his dog, half of it is already gone.

I sit beside him and eat some fries. “You know well and truly why… but we’re not getting into that, remember?”

He gives me a cute chagrin. “Sorry, I forgot baby talk was off the table.”