“I’m fine,” Angelo mutters.

“You just shot two men between the eyes without hesitating,” I remind him.

He snorts. “Hesitation doesn’t get you answers, bullets do.”

“Fair call.”

He takes a deep breath. I see the strain in his stance and feel the pressure on his shoulders. This whole situation is fucked. “Whoever he is, he better be smart and give me what I need. If he doesn’t, I’ll make what I did to that guy look like a boy scout convention.”

I roll my lips.

“Angelo, you need to be calm,” Marco says, his frown unsettling. “I’ve not seen you like this since… since…”

“Since Rayne was sent to kill me?”

I think every one of us prefers to forget all about that. Rayne and Angelo got together by a strange twist of fate… she was being bribed to get intel on Angelo after her sister, Mia, was kidnapped. Things got more intense when intel turned to assassin, unbeknown to her at the start… but she came clean and then they fell for each other… the rest is history.

Marco shifts his stance. “I was going to say since we took down the Triads.”

“I know one thing,” Angelo goes on, loading two more guns into the holster over his shirt. “Those who cross us will be made an example of. I will paint the streets of Boston red before anyone else insults or threatens this family.”

“We will find Rodriguez,” I assure him. “And anyone else he’s associated with.”

Enzo sticks his head around the door. “Sloane has a match for Orlando Rodriguez. Has an office downtown, Charlestown Law offices. She’s texting you the location now.”

Angelo looks pleased. “Good work, E.”

“Don’t praise me, Sloane did it all. Vaughn is hacking into the security footage around the bar as we speak.”

“Angelo, maybe me and Fynn should go with you to question Rodriguez…” Marco begins.

Angelo shoots him a glare. “What are you suggesting?”

Marco shakes his head slowly. “You’re angry. When you get angry, shit gets real. You can’t go to his office and be shooting him in the face in front of witnesses.”

“Why not?” he fires back. “I own this fucking city.”

Marco places a hand on Angelo’s shoulder. “Yes, you do, but the less witnesses we have to your trail of destruction, the easier it’ll be to contain that we’re zoning in on Il Diavolo.”

Marco has a point.

Angelo rolls his eyes. “Always the fucking voice of reason.”

Marco’s lips twitch. “You taught me too well, brother.”

I give Enzo a look, and he chuckles.

“Let’s go,” I say. We have to get this done now, before word gets out that we’ve questioned the employees and taken the associates hostage.

It doesn’t take long to get downtown.

When we pull up, Gus, Angelo’s driver motions to Dom, Angelo’s bodyguard, to get out first. He stands guard as we get out of the car, as well as two other soldiers who flank us. Dom is a good person to have around. Not only is he big and takes no shit, but he’s one scary motherfucker, a lot like Rocco in that regard.

There are other soldiers scattered around the perimeter. Now that there is a bounty on all of our heads, it’s best not to take any chances.

Striding into the building, Angelo buttons his suit jacket, hiding the two guns underneath.

He politely asks the receptionist for the correct floor. She fumbles, about to advise him that he needs an appointment.