We leave and walk in silence to the elevator as we go out to the parking lot. I don’t want her to go, but I know that she needs time. I’ve given her a lot to think about.

She turns to me as I open her car door. “Goodnight, Fynn, thank you for dinner.”

She folds into my arms, giving me a hug. It takes me by surprise.

I want to kiss her so bad, but this has to be her decision.

“You’re welcome.” I reluctantly let her go. “Goodnight, Sage.”

She climbs into the driver's seat, starts the engine, and drives away. I watch her until she disappears out of sight.

I don’t know how long I can keep pretending I don’t love her.

I can’t lie. Not about this.

If she doesn’t love me back, then that changes things.

And I don’t know if I could stand the rejection.

Not this time. Not from the only woman I’ve only ever truly loved.



Justice works fastin our world.

The next day, we’re all summoned to the warehouse because Rocco and his men have rounded up the employees and associates of the Whiskey Run.

I know that this isn’t going to be pleasant. Nothing when dealing with Rocco ever is, especially when Angelo has said he’ll use any means necessary to get the information he needs.

When he says that, there is no doubting him.

Any means necessary.

Angelo is a very calm man, not as calm as Marco, but seeing him so angry last night was a rarity. Angelo never wears his heart on his sleeve. But we’re his brothers. Enzo is his best friend, as is Rocco, who’s known Angelo since they were kids in school. He can be himself around us.

But it still isn’t like him to show so much anger. The stress of running this empire takes its toll, I get that. I wouldn’t wish to be him.

When I get inside, everyone is already there, including Darko, who stands nearby.

“Nice of you to join us.” Dante smirks.

Yeah, I know, I’m always fucking late. It’s kind of like my trademark. I don’t mean to be late, but I have no real concept of time.

“Did I miss anything?” I scruff Dante’s perfect hair with one hand as I walk past him, and he tries to duck. “Fucking pussy.”

“At least I’m getting pussy, unlike you, brother. Did you join the priesthood or something? That would explain the dry run you're having.”

The others smirk.

I punch my brother on the arm. “Very funny, asshat, we’re not all golden retriever material.”

Dante punches me in the stomach, winding me. “Asshole,” I choke out, doubling over.

He’s always been a dirty fighter; it’s the only way he can win against me.

Angelo clears his throat. “When the two of you are finished.”