I swirl my glass, my eyes on her as she looks at me from across the table. Fuck, she looks so good in scrubs with her hair all messy, tied back in a bun.
We both know the reason.
She lifts her eye gaze, taking a long sip of wine. “Oh, how I’d love to hear this.”
“Wasn’t that an apology right there?”
She shakes her head. “Nope, I’m pretty sure I didn’t hear anything like ‘I’m sorry for being such a dick to you, Sage.”
I raise my eyebrows. “I am sorry for the way I blew up about all of that. You know how protective I am when it comes to you. I just lost it for a second.”
“It shouldn’t worry you that much since there isn’t another man involved. It’s something I was considering. You had no right to go off on me.”
“I’m truly sorry,” I say, my eyes never leaving hers. “But I’d be lying if I said it doesn’t worry me, Sage. I want so much more for you than that.”
“More than me having a baby?”
I close my eyes momentarily. “You know that’s not what I mean. The way you want to have it, it’s not how I ever pictured things. It took me by surprise.”
“Trust me, it isn’t how I pictured things for my life either.”
She takes another sip of wine, but doesn’t relax in her seat. I fucking hope she stays and doesn’t walk out on me. There are still things to say. Things I need her to know, like why I acted that way.
“It’s never too late to change things around,” I say, like I would really know. “That’s my take on it, anyway.”
She laughs. “Since when?”
“Since now.” I shrug. “Since you gave me that news.”
“You do realize it’s my choice and my decision what I do withmy life,right? The way you acted was crazy, Fynn.”
“Of course it’s your decision.”But I still don’t agree with you having another man’s child.“I just want you to weigh up all the options.”
She takes another large sip. “You think I haven’t thought of all the options?”
“I’m sure that you’ve had a lot of thinking to do… but there may be another way.” I take a long sip of wine as she watches me, my palms sweating.
“Such as?” she prompts.
“I think you’re going to want to wait for the chowder before we get into that.”
“I’d rather not wait.”
I sigh and run a hand through my hair. I’m cagey. She might throw her glass of wine in my face.
I take a deep breath before blurting out, “I think we should have a kid.”
There, I said it.
She keeps staring at me for so long that I wonder if I said the words out loud.
“As in, you and me?” I don’t like how she has to clarify that simple fact.
Her eyes nearly bug out of her head. “Fynn, do you know what you’re even saying?”
“Yes, and this may seem crazy,” I say, in a hushed tone. “But it makes sense. Think about it. Why get some stranger in a sperm bank… when I could do that for way less hassle, not to mention the expense you’d have to go through.”