He peels back the top shoulder of his shirt so I can check the dressing. “Shoulder hurts like a bitch, but I’ll pull through.”
“How about Mia?”
He smiles warmly. “She’s good, thank you. She said you girls are trying to meet up for some coffee and have a girls night.”
Mia texted me a few days ago. We’ve become good friends over the course of time since she was my patient, nursing some pretty bad wounds herself from the kidnapping.
“We hope to, but my schedule right now is crazy. I’m trying to cut back at work…”to go see a fertility specialist.“But until they find another doctor to take on more shifts, it may be a long rain check on the coffee.”
“It seems some things never change.” He laughs. “Busier than ever.”
I smile wistfully, peeling back the dressing and taking a look. It’s nice and pink, the scab healing over nicely. I don’t want to interrupt the healing process, and since Dante has followed doctor’s orders and hasn’t gotten the wound wet, it’s just a quick dressing change and I’ll be out of here.
I reach for my bag to pull out some more gauze. “It looks good, no signs of infection. I’d like you to keep it dry for a few more days, and don’t fully immerse your shoulder for another week. Showering is fine. Do you have any unusual pain and discomfort?”
“Other than my twin?”
I snort again. Dante always makes me laugh. “Yes, other than him.”
“Nope. I’m fine, feeling good actually. Things may be finally looking up.”
I give him a look. “The last time Angelo said that, he called me not long after to tell me Rocco had almost been blown up, the time before that I was an accomplice to Angelo’s ‘death.’ If it weren’t for you boys, I swear my life would be dull…”
“I thought working in the emergency room would be full of surprises.”
I laugh again. “Not like Medici surprises. Trust me on that.”
He gives me a serious look. “Are you okay, Sage? After Cameron…”
I freeze. Knowing that just the mere mention of his name gives me a cold shiver.
“I’ll be fine. Our history was a long time ago.”
“I know that. But I still want to make sure you’re okay… so does Fynn. He cares about you.”
I avoid his gaze as I wipe around his wound with sterilizing spray, cleaning off all the dried blood before I reapply the dressing.
“Sometimes he has a funny way of showing it.”
Dante shakes his head. “I knew it. That little bastard, do you need me to kick his ass for you?”
I don’t want to discuss this with anyone, much less his brother. “No, I do not. If anyone is going to kick Fynn’s ass, I’m quite capable of doing it.”
“I’d like to see you try,” Fynn’s voice calls from the doorway.
I look up as he leans against the door.
He looks like a goddamn dream. The bastard.
Dressed in a cool gray suit, his crisp, white shirt and polished shoes make him look like bachelor of the year.
His hair is slicked back again, and I realize I like it. I don’t know what the hell he’s trying to do growing that beard, though it is kinda like Charlie Hunnam eat your heart out.
I ignore my traitorous inner monologue that clearly didn’t get the memo that Fynn is completely and utterly off limits, even indulging in his good looks.
“Don’t tempt me, we both know I have a killer right hook,” I reply, looking back down at the things I’ve laid out on the couch. I’m glad I have this distraction so I don’t have to look at him.
Fynn snorts. I never thought I’d be relieved to hear that noise, not that he’s forgiven or anything close to it. He acted like a dick, and he can damn well admit it.