I’ve told her about invitro. In fact, she’s the one that suggested it to me in the first place.

“I saw Fynn last night,” I explain. She knows exactly who Fynn is, though anyone in Boston knows who the Medici family is.

Her eyes widened. “And?” she prompts when I don’t elaborate.

“He dropped me home and we had a glass of wine…” I pause, recollecting what a shitshow it was. “He saw the paperwork for the invitro by accident.” I run a hand through my hair, then pick up my coffee cup.

“Holy shit.”

“Exactly my thoughts.”

“And, what did he say?”

I look up at her. “Let’s just say, it didn’t go well.”

She frowns. “I need details.”

“He hit the roof, and I mean, a nuclear explosion. Like it’s up to him what I do with my own body.”

“What the hell did he hit the roof for? I thought you two were good, that you were friends?”

I give her a look.


“Yeah, oh.”

“So, he doesn't like the idea? Come on, Sage, you gotta give me something. I’m not a mind reader.”

I lean across the table and lower my voice. “He wants me to have his baby.”

Her eyes widen. “Holy fuck.”

“Yes, holy fuck, exactly what I said, and you know what? He wasn’t even kidding.”

She takes a few deep breaths, steadying herself because her brain works fast and she’s going into turbo mode. “But you guys don’t fuck anymore.”

I glance around as we whisper. “We did more than just…that.We were in love, once upon a time, but that was a long time ago. Too much time has passed. Now he just thinks he has some claim over me and he can tell me what to do.”

“Does he want to get back with you?” she gasps.

I shake my head. “He never mentioned that. Just the fact that if I were to be having anyone’s baby, it was going to be his.”

She stabs her cobb salad, shoveling it in her mouth as I ramble. “This is good.”

“The salad, or Fynn acting like an asshat?”

“Fynn, obviously.”

“Good? Are you out of your mind? How is any of this good?”

She leans closer. “I mean, of course, it’s fucking nuts, but I don’t think it’s a horrible idea. I mean, as a fuck buddy? It isn’t the worst thing that could happen to you.”

I balk. Even though I’ve been running over the logistics in my mind since he screamed at me, I know that in my heart, it can’t work…

“How in the world is this not a horrible idea? And he’s not talking about being a fuck buddy, Layla, he wants to be the father of my baby!”

She shrugs like we’re discussing the weather. “Calm down. I’m just stating a fact. And here’s some more; the baby would be goddamn model material, for one. Look at the two of you. Secondly, your kid would want for nothing. Fynn is well off and could provide you and the baby with a very comfortable life. Thirdly, he’s nuts about you, I feel it in my bones. And if I need a fourth reason, just tell me you remember how good he was in the sack?”