I can’t believe this is happening.Those brochures are hers?

“You’d have some stranger's baby?” I practically spit the words at her. Jumping out of my chair, I start to pace. “Like for real?”

“This is exactly why I didn’t tell you,” she mutters.

I point at her. “I saw in the kitchen! And there’s no way in this universe isthathappening.”

She frowns. “Fynn, you can’t tell me what to do with my body, and you certainly have no right to tell me what to do with my uterus. Forget I said anything if you’re not going to be adult enough to have this conversation. It’s obviously my fault for leaving private information lying around in my own house.”

“It sounds like you’ve already decided.”

“No, I haven’t. I said I’ve been looking into it.”

I run both hands through my hair.

This isn’t happening.

“But looking into it means you’re considering it.”

“Lots of women do it, Fynn, it’s not a big deal these days.”

I stop pacing and spin to face her. “Not a big deal?” I feel the temperature in my face rising. “Not a big deal? It’s a very big fuckin’ deal to carry some other guy’s baby inside you? Especially with our history… If you’re gonna be having anyone’s baby, Sage, it’s gonna be mine. Period.”

She gapes at me. “I think you should leave.”

“No. I’m not done yet.”

“Oh, I think you are.”

I panic. She could go out any day and impregnate herself without my say-so or my knowledge.

I feel fiercely protective over her, as I always have, but this… this is another level.

“No. I’m. Not.”

We stare at each other.

I won’t back down, she knows this.

“You know, just for a second there, I thought you’d changed.”

I snort. “Changed? This is how I am, Sage, this is how I’ve always been. You don’t want that soft cock version of me that you used to know ten years ago. That guy was a boy who didn’t know which side of the bed to piss on, a kid who couldn’t even kill Cam the first time. If I could turn back time, I’d let him bleed… slowly.”

She lets out a slow breath. “You scare me when you talk like that.”

“Really? Because I think deep down, you like it. You like the person I am now, who can take care of things and not give a shit. I killed for you, and I’m not sorry for it. I’d do it again. You live by a set of rules every single day, and I live by none. Only to protect the people I care about, using any means necessary. So if you think I’ve changed, then maybe you never really knew me at all.”

She shakes her head. “There you go. The real you always shows up to remind me of why we broke up.”

I move into her space, before she can step back I’m in her face. “You’re not having a baby with anyone else.”

“Says you?”

“Yes, says me!”

“I wish I’d never said anything. Stupid me to think we could have a grown-up conversation about this, since we’refriendsand all.”

“You want more,baby cakes?Oh, I can give you more. The question is, could you handle it?”