I thought Cameron was dead.
So all these years when I thought Fynn had actually killed him… he hadn’t?
I stare at him with my mouth open, thinking I must be living in some kind of dream.
Ultimately, it’s more like a nightmare, one that I never thought I’d be reliving.
Finally, he pulls over on the side of the street, parks, and turns to me.
“It’s going to be all right,” he tells me with so much finality, I believe it.
I also realize what emotion was in Fynn’s eyes just now; the look that tells me if Cameron wasn’t dead before, he certainly is now.
I knowI shouldn’t be making promises to her that I can’t keep.
But everything is going to be all right now that he’s dead for real this time.
I also can’t lie to her. That’s what got me in this mess in the first place.
I got in so much shit with Angelo over the whole fucking thing, and rightly so.
“Was he back at the warehouse?” she whispers, realizing now the looks on both Angelo and Marco’s faces.
“Sage, don’t make me do this. I shouldn’t even be telling you any of this, but I thought you deserved to know the truth.”
“I’m just… shocked, I guess… I always thought he was…”
“Dead?” I finish. “Me too.”
Her hands are shaking, so I reach to her lap and fold them in mine.
She looks up with tears staining her face as they fall silently down her cheeks.
I fucking hate this.
“Fynn,” she whispers.
All our earlier banter and stupidity has gone out the window.
My dumb comments and bravado never quite had her believing anyway.
I squeeze her hands. “I know it’s a shock.” It’s not like we’ve ever spoken about it, not in ten years. “But I’m here for you.”
I’m still recovering from the shock that Angelo knew she’d been raped. Yes, that came up along with everything else that happened tonight. I don’t know how he knew, and I hate to think that Sage confided in him, but more likely he went through her medical records or got to Josie, the therapist we pay a large retainer to.
She never told me.
“What happened that night…?” she trails off.
“All I can say is when I threw him in the Charles, and he was still breathing,” I admit. “That way, I didn’t have to lie to you, and I knew he’d drown eventually especially when I heard you say he couldn’t swim. Telling Angelo I couldn’t do it would have seemed weak.”
“What was he involved in?”
I take a long breath. “Katiya’s kidnapping. Working with Allegra.” The once beloved family member who betrayed us all. Her husband, our cousin Roberto, would turn in his grave if he were alive to witness her betrayal. “Keeping Mia hostage, drug trafficking, people smuggling, where does the list end?”