While we weren’t very careful from the get-go, actually getting pregnant wasn’t just thewham-bam-thank you, ma’amwe thought it would be.

I pace impatiently, back and forth, while Fynn is out running errands.

I don’t like getting his hopes up, and I also want to be sure.

I’m late and my breasts are sore. Other than that, it’s all wishful thinking.

Things with Fynn and me have only gotten stronger over these last six months.

After the news of Roberto spread, though that may never wear off, the whole family was in complete shock. Especially Maria.

Angelo took it hard. It’s not a betrayal you can just get over, even all these months later. I’m sure the enormity of what he did, and had orchestrated over all of those years, will be etched forever into his soul.

Fynn took things hard afterward too, when everything settled down.

There was nobody in the family that this man hadn’t tried to destroy. But the Medici men really pulled out all the stops and put an end to the madness the only way they know how; to fight fire with fire.

Life returned back to normal. It took time, of course, since there was no way Angelo or Fynn were going to just let us all be free agents and lessen security right away.

If anything, things got worse for a while, until they got better.

The men became less anxious and worried. Angelo extinguished all the people involved in Roberto’s betrayal. And in the last six months, there hasn’t been one Medici threat in sight.

No bodyguards following our every move. No weird phone calls asking where we were when it had been five minutes since we left home. I know they all worry.

And Fynn was one of the worst. He just wouldn’t let me out of his sight until I put my foot down.

I guess after everything they’ve been through as a family, it’s understandable. Though, sometimes they forget that the women who love them have also been through a lot. Some of us got buried alive.

I shudder at the memory.No. That's in the past. Nothing can hurt us anymore.

The first time Fynn professed his love for me, it was an easy decision whether I wanted to be a Medici or not. And the answer will always be yes.

I had weighed up the possibilities of what it would look like to be in the Medici family once and for all. Knowing what I know and how dangerous it can be was one thing, but my love for Fynn and his family far outweighs any doubt.

I know things won’t be easy. There could be new threats in the future, but neither of us are willing to live our lives like that, wondering what if.

We have been living for the now more than ever after what happened.

We have also been actively trying to conceive since that first time in the shower when I jumped Fynn.

I don’t know why I feel it in my soul this time… maybe because I’m late and my body feels different than before. I’m scared, there’s no doubt about it, but I want this. We both do.

I lost our baby when I was only eighteen. I’m terrified of something like that ever happening again, but I know in my heart that I will always have Fynn to help me get through. We’ve been each other's rocks. We both depend on each other, and I don’t see it as a bad thing. I love him so much.

I move my hands to my belly, hoping and wanting this so much.

I know it will happen; I’ve seen it in our future so many times.

This baby is coming, I just know it.

Mia is almost ready to pop. It’s such a sweet sight to behold, and we know that Dante is secretly going to propose once the baby is born.

Rayne and Angelo just recently announced they were expecting their first child.

It’s the only thing I’ve seen put a spark back into Angelo’s eyes after everything the family has been through. He and Rayne seem as solid as ever, and I know she’s helped him get through it.

She’s his lighthouse in this sea of darkness. A new baby on the way is going to be a whole new chapter for everyone.