“So you want us all dead?” Angelo barks. I know he wants to put this to bed, but we all want to know the truth. “All because you believe Mario favored me over you?”
Roberto laughs without humor. “It’s the truth, isn’t it? He was never going to pass the crown over to me; he didn’t think I could do it. He never told you, did he?”
“He loved you!” Angelo spits with fire like I’ve not seen in a long time. “To betray him like this and us? We were family Roberto, our own fucking blood! He’d turn in his grave if he could see you now.”
“I don’t fucking care!” he shouts, waving his gun in the air. We’re all still pointing our guns at each other, no one is letting up any time soon.
I keep my gun focused solely on him. For what he’s done to my girl, he can rot in hell.
While I hope this doesn’t turn into a bloodbath, I don’t care who I have to kill to get Sage back.
“Just tell us where she is, Roberto… we might even let you die a little less painlessly,” I say, ready to explode.
He turns his gaze to me. “Always the little hothead. Nothing’s changed there, has it, Fynn? How you managed to snag that pretty little doctor is beyond me.” He shakes his head.
I make a low growl in my throat, ready to blow his fucking head off. “If you’ve harmed one hair on her head...”
“You’ll what?” he encourages. “You’re outnumbered,family… might as well face it.”
Angelo shakes his head. “Don’t ever call us family again, Roberto. That died with you years ago.”
“You have to admit I’ve done a pretty fucking great job of wrecking your lives. You should actually be thanking me for that. You wouldn’t have even met Rayne if it weren’t for me.”
It’s Angelo’s turn to growl. “Leave her the fuck out of this, asshole! I suppose I should be thanking Allegra as well?”
“Allegra.” He chuckles. “My devoted wife… I used her as a scapegoat. It was so fucking easy, as she’d do anything to get back at you. She had no idea how it would all unfold. Unbeknownst to her, she played right into my hands… pity how it ended.” He shrugs. “We all know she was obsessed with you, Angelo. I’m no one’s fool.”
“I had no fucking interest in your wife!” he spits. “Now let’s finish this, Roberto. You know how this has to be.”
There’s a commotion behind us, and Rocco moves to the door as we keep our guns pointed. Rocco mutters, “It’s the others.”
Angelo smirks. “What were you saying about being outmatched?”
Roberto shakes his head, anger flaring in his eyes. “You think having your brothers and fucking Enzo here is gonna win the battle? I’m offering you a deal you can’t refuse, Angelo. Walk away from this empire now, or you will all die.”
It takes a few moments, but laughter erupts, starting with Angelo. I follow suit.
Rocco shakes his head, muttering in Italian.
Roberto is officially crazy.
Marco, Dante, Enzo, Garrett, and Frank, as well as three other soldiers, come running in behind us and Roberto’s soldiers swarm, their guns drawn.
Angelo holds one hand up to stop them, without even turning around.
This is my brother in all his glory.
I never imagined we’d be on a takedown like the one unfolding. I never imagined our greatest enemy would be our own flesh and blood. But Robert is going to die today, for real this time.
Angelo commands the room, as he always does.
This is why he’s the King of Boston.
Dante movesto stand beside me.