It has to be a sick joke.
“Yes,” Angelo says. “He’s our cousin, Roberto Medici, and he died, three years ago.”
“Why?”I ask him as he holds me firmly by the elbow.
“Why, what?” He seems impatient.
“Why are you doing this?” Isn’t it the most obvious question in the world? “And how are you alive?”
“That’s a lot of questions, but I suppose it doesn’t really matter now anyway.”
I’ve been in the ER department for a long time, so I know the best thing to do with a suspect—usually while you wait for the police to arrive—is to keep them talking. And this is no different.
This man is dangerous. I can tell by the look in his eyes and how agitated he is. Oh, and the fact that he is supposed to be dead.
I didn’t have a lot to do with Roberto growing up. He was the eldest and was always off doing things with his father, Mario, who at the time was the Don and in charge of the city.
A lot has changed in the last few years.
I have absolutely no idea what’s going on, or what Roberto’s motives are for trying to kill everybody in the family or what he’s doing back from the dead.
The only thing I can think of is that he wants the power, but why? He was going to be Don anyway, especially after Mario got sick… what vendetta has he got against his cousins?
I need to find out.
I need to know why he’s doing this.
The one thing I do remember about Roberto is he likes to be first. And he loved talking about himself.
He could smooth and charm anyone. And he was a ladies’ man. I never really warmed to him that much, but then again, I never really had a lot to do with him leading up to his death.
“Why doesn’t it matter?”
He looks at me sharply. “I can see why Fynn loves you. You’ve got a fiery side, but you don’t fucking listen. Much like my wife, she never listened either.”
I gasp.
He’s talking about Allegra.
“Was she part of this too? Did she know you were still alive?”
He laughs without humor. “I had Allegra running around doing all the shitty jobs I didn’t want to do. She had no idea it was me, and I kept it that way. It was so fucking easy with her; all she wanted was the power. All she cared about was the money, a lot like our marriage, really. The one thing about Allegra was that she lived this life fully, and she was happy to do unspeakable things to get the things that she wanted. It’s hard to find people like that these days. Loyalty doesn’t exist.”
I don’t feel sorry for Allegra at all, especially not after what she tried to do to Angelo. She was devastated after Roberto died, but maybe that was all an act too.
I know from the way she spoke and looked at Angelo that she had a thing for him. That was plainly obvious, and it had been obvious since we were kids.
She was a little obsessed with him in college, and I think they even had a thing for a short while, but that was long before she met Roberto, or he was even in the picture. It always made me wonder if she didn’t marry Roberto to get closer to Angelo, and in her eyes, she’s somehow settled, but was at least happy to have the Medici name.
Allegra never really fit in. She always thought she was better than everybody else. I admit, she had everybody fooled, but deep down, she was one of those cold, unrelatable women who will only befriend you if they can get something out of you.
Everything she did was calculated and to benefit herself.
She sold her soul to get what she wanted. However, in Allegra’s case, she was batshit crazy.