Her face suddenly looks worried and a little pale. She gives me a small smile that doesn’t touch her eyes and nods as she dabs her mouth with a napkin and excuses herself.

“I’ll be back shortly. I just have to check something.”

I frown as she tells Mia she should be back in a few moments, that something urgent just came up.

I stare after her, wondering what it must be.

After the lunch plates are cleared away, they bring out the most amazing looking cream cake, and now I’m going to have to work out tomorrow. It’s been a really nice lunch, letting my hair down with the girls without the pesky bodyguards hovering around, even though I know Fynn probably isn’t far away.

“I think the men want to have dinner with us tonight,” Rayne says. “Though, I’m sure they just want to be nosy and listen in on what we’ve been talking about all day.”

“They gossip more than we do, “Valentina complains. “But then they get mad when we know more than they do.”

“Valentina,” Maria scolds. “Leave your brothers alone, they’re good boys.”

I smile because she’s a typical Italian woman, thinking her sons can do no wrong. The golden boys, but in reality, all her children are the apple of her eye. Even though she tells Valentina off, she looks at her adoringly.

After I stuff myself stupid with cake, we all head off to the spa to have a manicure and pedicure. It’s then Mama Medici sits next to me while my toes are drying.

“You know, I’m very happy about you and Fynn… Very happy,” she says in her Italian accent. “I always knew you would come together in the end.”

“Thank you, Maria.”

She smiles knowingly, “One day I hope it’s you and Fynn having your own baby shower. It would be so beautiful to see both my boys become Fathers.”

I chuckle, she isn’t backwards in going forwards. “One day we hope so, too.”

Could be sooner than anyone thinks the rate we’ve been practicing.

“Fynn is a good boy,” Maria goes on. “But he needs someone stable like you, Sage. Somebody to keep him in line, but also be by his side, supporting him, and he will do the same for you.”

I nod. “I think we can safely say he’s past his playboy days.”

She rolls her eyes. “These boys, they turn me gray before my time. And Valentina? Don’t even get me started on her.”

I can’t help but laugh. Maria loves all of her children equally, but Valentina being the baby and the only girl, I can see how that would give you gray hair.

“Thank you, Maria. Does this mean we have your blessing? We didn’t want to announce anything until after Mia’s party.”

She turns, cupping my face as she plants a kiss on my forehead. “I already consider you my daughter.”

I have tears in my eyes as I nod. “I’m so glad I’m part of this family,” I say truthfully.

“Now, no more tears,” she warns. “It’s not good luck to cry over the men we love.”

After we’ve all been pampered to the hilts I decide to go back to the suite and have a rest. The weariness is taking over.

Everybody hugs, telling each other we’ll see them soon, and make my way over to the elevator.

I swipe the card that Fynn gave me when I get inside and punch the floor number. The doors start to close, but at the last minute, a man in a suit slides through, apologizing as he turns his back on me, swipes his card, and pushes the button for the parking lot.

“Oh, this elevator is going up,” I say.

He turns to the side. “That’s fine. I have all the time in the world.”

He looks vaguely familiar, but I don’t know where I’ve seen him before. Maybe he’s one of the many employees who work for the Medicis, though he is wearing a very nice suit that probably costs a bomb and his hair is styled handsomely. He’s too suave to be an employee, so he must be one of the high rollers.

“It is a stroke of luck, though,” he says as I frown slightly.