I shake my head. “No, but I probably will be tomorrow.”
“Good, it’ll remind you who you belong to.”
I reach for him. “Always the alpha.”
“Nothing’s changed. You’re mine, Sage. I love you.”
My eyes go wide. “Fynn…”
“You don’t have to say it back, but I want you to know.”
My eyes fill with tears. “I… I love you too… I wanted to say it so many times, but I didn’t want to scare you away.”
He chuckles. “Scare me? Do you know how happy it makes me feel hearing those words?” He cups one side of my face, his lips skating over mine.
“When did all of this happen?” I sigh against his warm body, letting him envelope me as I swing my arms around his neck.
“When I fell in love with you the first time.”
A tear escapes as I quickly wipe it away. “I never stopped, not even when I moved. It was always you, Fynn. It always has been.”
“I know.” He kisses my nose. “We just had to get all of our ducks in a row, that’s all. We came back together, that’s all that matters.”
“I’m so glad we did. Why did we fight it?”
He shrugs. “I don’t fucking know, but I do know this; now that I have you here, Sage Lawson, I never want you to leave.”
“What the hell are you saying, Medici?” I laugh when he rubs his nose against mine.
“Move in with me?”
My eyes go wide. “Fynn, aren’t we taking things a little too fast?”
He snorts. “I hopefully impregnated you tonight, so I think we’re a little bit far past the fast route, don’t you?”
I feel my cheeks burn. “So you’re making up for lost time?”
“Something like that. Say you’ll think about it.”
“Where would we live?”
“My apartment.”
“What’s wrong with my place?”
He gives me a look. “Nothing, but mine’s bigger.”
My lips twitch as I glance down at his dick and he smirks.
“No kidding.”
He tips his head back and roars with laughter. “You always did know how to make me laugh,baby cakes.”
I huff. “Can you honestly not think of a better nickname than that? Anything would be better than freakingbaby cakes.”
“I know how much it annoys you, and I like it when you get mad at me.”
“Why’s that?” I ask, already knowing the answer.