“Oh, you know that, do you?” I tilt my head to the side as the elevator doors open, and I gesture for her to step inside first, following after her.
“I’ve known him just as long as I’ve known you,” she reminds me. “And he’s nice to me all the time, not just when it suits him.”
“I’m nice to you,” I start, stabbing the button for the restaurant level, where Tides is located.
She gives me the side-eye and I shut my mouth.
“We both appreciate you stepping in again to patch him up,” I add as the elevator descends. “Every time we call… there you are. I feel bad about that. Angelo would never want you to feel as if you have to do anything.”
“You think I want to deny Angelo?” She gives me a look.
I still feel bad, even if it isn’t me asking her to do these favors. “Do you feel like you can’t say no?”
She shakes her head. “I know he wouldn’t ask anything of me that I wouldn’t feel comfortable doing. It’s a gray area with the Medici men, and I’ve come to accept it.”
“Not even faking his own death?” I scoff. The Medici demands seem to get more and more elaborate as time goes on. We both know it.
“Well, maybe that’s the most extreme thing I’ve ever been involved in. But besides that, it’s not so bad. Anyway, who else is going to patch all of you up if not me?”
I turn to her, “You’re not indebted to us.” I mean it, truthfully. “You always have a choice, remember that.”
I don’t like the fact she keeps getting roped in, even if it is better for us to keep things under wraps.
“I don’t feel that way,” she tells me.
I look at her face to see if she means it. Sometimes I can't tell with her; she keeps her cards very close to her chest.
“As long as you know it.”
“You guys did a lot for me back then, you know that, so I don’t mind helping out when I can.”
She’s way too nice. We don’t deserve her.
“Like I said, we appreciate it, more than you know.” For the first time I wonder if I should talk to Angelo about it, but I know Sage would be upset with me, and right now I can’t risk her being upset anymore. Not for what I’m about to suggest to her about going forward with my plan.
“It’s not as though I’m working for Angelo and he calls me every week.”
“Well, we’re lucky to have someone like you on our side.”
She eyes me. “Wow, was that a compliment?”
I purse my lips. “You’re not making it easy for me, are you?”
“I need a glass of wine, or three, before we have this conversation.”
“Your wish is my command.”
The elevator comes to a stop and the doors open on cue. I place my hand on the small of her back as she exits from the elevator, and we walk through the opulent lobby.
Once we get to the restaurant, I take a quieter table in the back and order a bottle of Prosecco.
My mind is reeling with what I want to say, but no words form. I’m trying to be careful not to put my foot in it again.
“So, what was the urgency to have me down here?” she enquires, when we’ve settled into our seats.
I order the chowder and wait for the waiter to pour the wine before I answer.
“I want to apologize, remember?”