I can practically see the steam coming out of her ears.
This is exactly why we don’t work… and exactly why I want her so much.
“You think I can’t handle you?” She laughs. “Please, Miss World Venezuela might fall for that line, or any of your other model girlfriends, but seriously, I’ve ridden this horse before. I know where the road leads.”
I move closer. “And when you rode this horse, you liked it a lot.”
“I was young and stupid then, obviously my brain cells were still developing.”
“Very funny. I’m not just about sex, which if you knew anything about me these days, you’d realize that all on your own,” I go on. “And if I recall, I don’t remember getting any complaints. In fact, you used to beg me for it.”
“You need to leave.”
“Fine, I’ll leave.”
“Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.”
I shake my head, livid. “Just remember what I said.”
She pushes me in the chest, trying to get me away from her, and I let her.
I’m an asshole. I deserve it.
And she’s right, I do need to go, before I say something stupid.
But she’s still not having another man's baby. That, I can guarantee.
Come hell or holy high water, it’s not happening.
When Fynn leaves,I’m furious. So furious, I slam one of the wineglasses into the sink and it smashes everywhere. I stand there shaking, unable to fathom where he gets off.
I told him something very personal, something very private I was considering, and he goes all alpha on me.
I didn’t say it to insult him.
I want a baby, I have for a while now. And I don’t see another option.
I never dreamed I’d be still single, with no prospects on the horizon, at thirty.
All the dates I’ve been on over the years just never really worked out. I tried.
Most men are jerks, or they’re only after sex, in any case, I went on Tinder once and vowed never again. I know I’ve been busy with work the last decade, and that makes it hard to hold down a relationship, especially being on call in the emergency department, but I just can’t work out what it is.
I’m not high maintenance or a bitch, nor am I needy, and I can be semi-organized when I put the effort in.
I’m thirty-one in a few months. I know that women are having babies later in life, but the clock is ticking for me.
I’ve put so much into my career, and in some ways, things are just getting started, but I know I can go back to medicine after I have the baby. I could work with dad at his practice part-time. I know my parents would help me. I could do it.
Fynn being mad at me, though… that, I don’t enjoy.
I get he’s mad, but where the hell does he get off?
I should be the one who’s mad.