It’sa strange thing watching the years fly by in the blink of an eye, and all of a sudden, I’m a graduate doctor.

My time in California was probably one of the best things that ever happened to me, though I did complete my residency back at Massachusetts General like I always dreamed of, and I’ve been working in the ER for a few years ever since.

It was extremely hard work getting to where I am now, but I wouldn’t change any of it.

Living away from home after what Cam put me through, it made me stronger. It also made me wary of the world for a long time too. But most of all, it made me a little bit of a badass, because I learned how to stick up for myself and not take any crap.

I met new people, made new friends. I had a good time, even though studying was harder than I ever expected.

The only thing I would change would have been Fynn.

I missed him.

And time moved on.

So did the memories that faded. The loss of our baby is something that will never leave me, how could it? Even though we were both young, I wanted to keep it. Having Fynn’s baby… I can’t even imagine it.

I have been looking into invitro, which seems a little extreme, but I’m thirty-one this year and I haven’t met anyone yet. I thought I’d at least be married and planning a family and a future, but I just haven’t gelled with anyone. Friends of mine have done it, most of them older, and I think it’s really brave. Having a baby all by yourself.

I just wonder if it’s ever going to happen to me.

And then there’s Fynn.

He was once the love of my life, or so I thought. But distance got in the way, and so did the strain on our relationship.

We both moved on.

We stayed friends. The time and space between us sure didn’t help us grow closer. On the first spring break I visited, he was dating some other girl.

It broke my heart, even if I didn’t let him see it. He was free to do what he wanted, as was I. Little did he know that I had no interest in other boys. Not after everything. I’d never be the same again or let another man touch me.

As if losing him the first time wasn’t hard enough, after the first summer away from home, I knew that I had to really move on. If I stayed pining for him, it would only lead to more heartbreak. I owed it to myself to use the time away to invest in myself. Learn to love myself again and move on from the trauma I had suffered.

So I let him go.


He’d said it time and time again.

We still see each other here and there, and we text occasionally, but Fynn seems quite content being single and living the high life.

He loves his job, which at times I wonder what that even is. He helps Marco at the casino, and keeps the finances flowing for all the Medici businesses.

Today, however, he’s in my thoughts more prominently because when I’m on my break, Angelo calls my cell.

I frown. Immediately, I think something is wrong.

When Angelo calls, it’s never good.

“Sage, it’s Angelo.”

“Hello,” I reply. “Is everything okay?”

“No,” he replies. “Dante’s been shot.”

“Oh my God. Is he all right?”

“He’ll live, the bullet just grazed his shoulder, but he needs medical attention.”