“No!” I shout. “We need to find Sage first.”

But then, all of a sudden, a loud noise breaks the silence, as we hear gunfire, and all hell breaks loose. Rocco yells out and tells us to duck, while he and the soldiers surge forward and bullets start flying everywhere.

In the fray, I drag Dante, who is next to me, down with me and watch as Rocco, Darko, Dom, Frank, Garrett, and Enzo take on the rest of Roberto’s men.

Angelo jumps to his feet. Once the fighting begins, Rocco turns, pushes in backwards, and yells at him no.

This man would take a bullet for any one of us.

The sound of gunfire rings through the night, in this church that was once used for sacred things like holy matrimony and christenings. Glass shatters all around us, there’s shouting, screaming, the unmistakable sound of a battle.

And all I can think about is my precious, beautiful Sage.

I love you,I say out loud.I will never stop loving you, Sage. I’m going to find you.



I suck in a breath,but it feels like I’m choking.

He knocked me out, and now I have no idea where I am. It’s dark, and I start to panic as I feel around. At first, I think I’m in the trunk, but this feels smaller.

I can barely move, and with my frantic movements, I suddenly realize I’m in a box.

That fucking bastard put me in a box.

As claustrophobia sets in, I try to feel around some more to pound or kick my way out as I scream for help.

My heart rate accelerates as I try to find a way to break free. Some strange smell permeates my nose; it’s the smell of the earth, dirt, and something else I can’t place.

I bang my fists above my head, kicking once more. When I scream, my voice echoes all around me. I’ve never felt so alone.

The last thing I remember is tear gas and Roberto placing a mask over my face, and then I was bundled into his car. I must’ve blacked out from the fumes.

And now I have no idea where I am, but it’s getting hard to breathe.

I close my eyes and take a few deep breaths, but my state of calm doesn’t last very long, because I let out an almighty scream in frustration, banging and kicking, and carrying on in the hopes that someone will hear me.

Fynn? Where are you?

I think I was having a dream.

The reason I know that is because it was delicious.

Me and Fynn where on a beach somewhere, like Mexico. The sun was warm on my face and body as I watched Fynn swimming in the ocean, but he wasn’t alone. He had our child in his arms. He was playing with him, dunking his little body in and out of the water as he giggled.

He was exactly like Fynn. His hair, messy and unruly, his eyes, bright blue, and he had the softest, cutest dimples I’d ever seen. Tears spring to my eyes.

Our baby.

The baby we so desperately want.

The baby could be growing inside me as we speak.

I reach one hand to my stomach and run my hand over it. I know it’s unlikely I’m pregnant, but it doesn’t stop me from talking to my belly.

“If you are in there, little one,” I whisper, “I’m going to get us out of here.”