I want to disappear. I close my eyes momentarily and will the elevator doors to spring open so I can jump out and run for it. Surely, he’s not here for any good reason…

“Do I look dead to you?” He tilts his head to the side and gives me a sinister smile.

“How?” I murmur. “Why? What are you doing here?”

He shakes his head. “The time for questions isn’t right now, Sage, though I’m sure you have a lot.” He pauses the elevator with a slam of his large hand. It makes me jump, while my heart feels like it’s going to burst out of my chest. “If you want to live, you’ll listen and do every fucking thing I say, all right? You're in no position to make any demands.”

“Why are you doing this?”

“Because Angelo and his brothers took something from me.”

I shake my head, trying to fathom. “So you’re going to hurt them?”

“Oh, I’m going to do more than hurt them, Sage.” He chuckles, and another vicious chill runs through me.

He has hatred in his eyes. He’s nothing like how I used to remember.

“And me? Why am I here? Are you going to hurt me too?”

He laughs, and again, the hackles on my neck rise. “Hurt you? Now what kind of man do you think I am?”

I just stare at him. I can’t look away, even though I want to.

I feel chilled to the bone, scared shitless. I don’t want to show him I’m scared, but I’m sure he already knows it.

“I wouldn’t know,” I say quietly. Right now, I don’t know anything, just that I want to be back in the safety of Fynn’s arms. “I thought I knew once, but clearly, my judgment was off.”

He smiles like that’s a good thing. “You’ll find out soon enough… but first, we’re going to take the stairs before we get to the bottom floor. You’ll walk out of the casino with me like you have no care in the world. We don’t want any unfortunate accidents happening.”

I can only stare at him, unable to form words.

“I take your silence to mean you’re too stunned to speak… well, let me remind you, one wrong move, Sage, and I’ll blow this fucking place to smithereens. You think a simple car bombing is all I’m capable of? That was nothing compared to what I have planned.”

I gasp. Oh, God, he’s talking about blowing up the casino? “That was you?”

“Yes, well, it got everyone’s attention, didn’t it?”

“You’ve been behind it all this whole time, haven’t you?”

“No one suspected a thing, and they still don’t.” He takes a step toward me, and I cringe backward. “Be smart about this, Sage. We can do this the easy way, or the hard way, the choice is yours.”

“What do I have to do?” I murmur.

“For now, you just do as I say. We leave the building out of the side exit calmly, you’ll keep your head down, and you’ll keep moving. I have guys in place; they’re everywhere, and they can put a bullet through your brain at any time… or maybe, I’ll keep you alive and you can watch me tear the Medici men to pieces, one by fucking one.”

He’s sick. Truly sick. And as evil as they come.

I never saw this side of him ever before.

Shock sets in that Angelo and Fynn and the others don’t know. Nobody knows…

I suddenly feel very small in the world, like an ant in comparison to everything going on around me in the casino. I want to scream and shout, and run. I really want to run. But I can’t.

My life is flashing before my eyes. If I think back to that horrible part of my past, I will melt on the floor. I’ve never thought I could be as afraid as I was that night when Fynn came to rescue me all those years ago. But now I feel the fear and the dread running up my spine.

I have to do what he says.

Maybe security will pick up on something… but why would they? Nobody is looking for him… He’s dead!