And I stare at him for a moment, before he realizes that I’m there. I take in his form, his beautiful face and his tan skin. He’s shirtless, wearing pajama pants, and fuck me if he isn’t the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.

I clear my throat, and his head snaps up.


“Who else?” I laugh.

He beckons me to him, motioning with his hands in the typical Italian fashion. He pushes his laptop away and pats the table, indicating for me to sit facing him.

Looking down at my attire, his lips curl up in a smile when he sees what I’m wearing.

“You look hot in my stuff,” he muses.

“The bed was cold without you,” I say with a shrug.

“I couldn’t sleep,” he says. “Thought I’d get a little bit of work done.”

“Burning the candle at both ends, I see. This isn’t the Fynn that I know.”

While Fynn is good at his job, he’s better known for trying to get out of work, rather than completing it in any kind of timely manner. Maybe some things really have changed.

“I’ve turned over a new leaf,” he says with a grin. “Something about having you in my bed makes me want to do better.”

“It also doesn’t help you sleep,” I point out.

“I actually slept for a little bit. I thought about waking you up with my tongue, but you were sleeping so soundly, I thought better of it.”

My core clenches.

“Well, that’s a shame,” I muse, cupping his face.

I bring my lips to his, and we kiss gently.

He pulls me closer by the hips, so my ass is hanging off the end of the table.

“I always fancied you as a meal,” he says, pulling his mouth from mine with reluctance. “Ever fucked on a dining table?”

I laugh. “Nope.”

He flicks open the shirt that is a button-up, revealing my breasts and everything else on display for his viewing pleasure. His eyes turn hungry as he bites down on his bottom lip.

I don’t know why I’m self-conscious in this moment. I mean, I’ve been spreadeagled for him before, leaving nothing to the imagination, and I choose now to be shy.

I guess it’s the way he’s looking at me. Like I really am a meal. Like he really could devour me.

And I want to get lost in his eyes so badly.

“Your body, Sage,” he groans, pressing his forehead to mine. “It’s so damn sexy.”

“I hide it well under the dreaded work uniform.”

“I happen to like it, and your scrubs.”

He pinches one nipple, and I groan, leaning into his touch. Then he lowers his hand and fondles me between my legs. “Such a pretty pussy,” he murmurs.

I squeeze my thighs, and they inadvertently close. “You know how to talk dirty, that’s something new.”

He grins, pushing them back open. “Why are you blushing?”