I can only thank God I got to her before it was too late. She’s here and she’s alive, and we have to be thankful for that.
“I’ll let Marco come in, see if I can convince the nurse to let Fynn and Dante in as well.”
I smile softly and nod my head, knowing Angelo he will get what he wants. He always does.
He leans down to kiss Ma on the forehead and heads toward the door.
Marco comes into the room moments after and looks as grave as I feel. The walls feel like they’re closing in on me. I stand from my perching position on the bed.
“I need a moment,” I say to him, glancing down at our mother again. Her eyes keep fluttering open, as if she’s trying to stay awake and take everything in. She needs to rest.
“It’s a lot to take in.” He nods.
“Thank you for being there, for going with her. I couldn’t have kept it together without you.”
“It’s what we do, Valentina, we’re family. There’s nothing I won’t do for any of you.”
The boys in some respects have given me some more leeway since everything went down with Marco and Katiya. He rescued her at the same time as Rayne’s sister, since it was all a surprise discovery. Katiya is the Russian mob boss’s niece, Aleksi Petrov.
It’s certainly frowned upon that they’re together. The Petrovs have long been our enemies, but my brothers have come to some understanding and truce with the Petrovs. Something I’m not privy to or know the details of, but I know it isn’t just to do with Katiya.
It makes me wonder… if Marco can be with our enemy’s family, is there hope for me and Enzo too?
Is this something I could talk to Marco about? Would he understand coming from the standpoint he recently had?
He couldn’t help who he fell in love with, and they seem really happy.
I’m not in the mental capacity to think about all of that right now, but it crosses my mind.
If we get through this whole crisis with our ma, then maybe I might broach it with him. I just wish Enzo would tell me what we are. I know I’m more than a fling to him, and we’re more than friends with benefits, but what are we, exactly?
This can’t go on as a secret forever. It would be no life for Enzo and no life for me either.
I don’t see why we have to live our lives in secret, like we’re doing something wrong.
Worse things can happen, and when I look at Marco’s situation, which seemed impossible just a few weeks ago, it makes me believe that anything can happen.
I slide on out of the room just as Angelo walks back in, with my brothers behind him. Obviously, he was able to convince the nurse.
“I just need some air,” I say to my brothers as I glance up at Enzo.
“Would you like more coffee?” Enzo asks. “Or would you like to go home?”
I shake my head.
“Take her home,” Angelo instructs as his eyes meet with Enzo’s.
“Angelo, I have to be here,” I protest.
“No, Valentina, Ma needs to rest. I’ll pick you up later and bring you back if she is awake. You heard what the doc said,” he assures me, his hand resting on my shoulder.
I know he’s right.
I feel Bianca slide her arm around me and she rests her head on my shoulder.
“Angelo’s right,” she says. “It’s been a long morning for everyone. If you sit here all day, you’ll just be exhausted. Maybe we can go to your place and make some of those biscuits your ma likes.”
Tears well in my eyes as I nod. “That would be great, B, thank you.”