“Y-yes,” she sobs. “Marco came and she… she went in an ambulance. They think she had a stroke, E.”

I run a hand through my hair. “Where is Angelo?”

“He’s meeting us at the hospital.”

“Who isus? Why didn’t you go in the ambulance?”

“Marco said Dom will come and pick me up.”

“Dom got shot, he’s in no fit state…”

“He wanted to,” she says.

“I’ll call him to cancel. I’ll come and pick you up.”

“Bianca wants to come too,” she cries. “She slept over last night, I kind of forgot to mention that when we were… you know.”

“Do not move, I’m in my car. I’ll be there in fifteen to twenty minutes.”

“I should just get a cab,” she says, her voice wavering. “I need to be there.”

“Sit tight. I’m in my Alfa, so we’ll switch when I get there to your SUV. Just wait for me.”

“I’m so scared, E,” she whispers as I close my eyes.

“It’s going to be okay.” I really fucking hope it is, because if Angelo is the foundation of this family, their ma is the glue. Nothing can happen to her.

I swiftly make a U-turn and head to Valentina’s as fast as possible without getting myself killed in the process. My heart is literally in my mouth as I maneuver my way back to her.

When I pull up in the driveway, I screech to a halt, and I see her straight away outside the house, pacing. When she sees me, she literally runs straight for me and throws her arms around me.

I hold her tight as she cries onto my shoulder.

“Val, what do we know?” I ask her as she shakes in my arms.

“I don’t know anything yet. They rushed her out of here so quickly. Marco is with her. She was very disorientated and couldn’t talk very well.”

I curse under my breath; this is serious fucking shit. “Valentina, I’m so sorry.”

“I don’t know how long she was even there.”

“Well, you got to her, and that’s the main thing,” I tell her. “And she’s a fighter, you know it. So, let's get to the hospital and find out how she is.”

She pulls back from me, nodding. I notice Bianca appear from down the driveway.

“Let’s go,” I say, giving Bianca a small smile as she gets closer.

Valentina tosses me her keys and we head to her BMW SUV parked out front.

We jump in, buckle up, and I take off. I’m not driving like a lunatic, but I know we need to get there fast.

I hold my hand over the top of hers once we’re well on the way. She sits completely still, in shock, I think, looking out of the window. Bianca doesn’t say a word from the back.

“I can call Marco as we get closer?” I ask, turning my head toward her.

She is in a zombie-like trance, staring out of the window. I squeeze her hand, and she nods her head slightly.

“I don’t know what I’ll do if something happens to her,” she whispers.